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Is juicing the answer?

Published July 28. 2012 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

I've had the pleasure of knowing Michele as I've been in her shop many times, looking for answers to health questions, comparing notes with her about nutrients and especially sharing my enthusiasm with her about juicing. I've been juicing for many years, and was especially excited to see an article in the TIMES NEWS about how she beat cancer by juicing fresh vegetables and fruits.

Juicing consists of preparing and drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices. The many health benefits of juicing FAR exceed eating solid fruits and vegetables because your body can quickly absorb larger amounts of the nutrients found in these foods. This happens because the process of digestion, that is necessary when you eat whole foods is bypassed. Raw fruit and vegetables contain MANY substances that enhance health, and juicing builds up the body by providing the most concentrated and readily absorbed source of these substances.

Juicing is an easy and inexpensive way to get beneficial enzymes into your body, and these remarkable enzymes are primarily found in raw foods. Enzymes have a vital role of converting food into energy. Enzymes are involved in metabolism, which is a chemical process that happens within a living cell and is necessary for maintaining life. Substances are broken down to create energy for vital processes within your body. Juicing will increase your metabolic rate. Your body needs these enzymes in order to fight against those "free radicals" that cause us to become weak and prone to all types of infectious disease, diabetes, flu and a host of other maladies.

Juicing ensures that your body is getting sufficient amounts of phytochemicals that are found in green leafy vegetables; these are the substance plants contain that are considered among the most powerful ways to fight disease. Most people don't eat enough raw vegetables to get the right amount of phytochemicals to keep them healthy enough to fight illnesses and maintain healthy cells. This is the easiest way to stay healthy. Simply drink enough juice to get these powerful nutrients.

Beating cancer by juicing? You bet! In fact every cell in your body literally comes alive after drinking a simple mixture of fresh juiced vegetables. I call it a "tonic." It would help you and your family if you googled "the benefits of juicing" and educated yourself to the wonder of this simple, economical process. Also, many simple recipes are available (most contain only four ingredients).

Sadly, almost all of our physicians have very little time in medical school appropriated to the prevention of disease through nutrition. When was the last time any doctor asked you about your diet and gave you a list of nutrients in order to build up your body's defense? All they seem to be able to do for you is to hand out medications to take, and you're stuck with the side-effects.

Let's learn to take care of ourselves as the changing health care laws and the fragile economy are closing in around us. Juicing is inexpensive and pure, and it will change your health.

Faye Ruckhardt,


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