Life goes on
Well the world didn't end two weeks ago during a late night tsunami. California is still in one piece as is Australia which just goes to show that even psychics make mistakes.
Of course, the back pedaling began even before last Saturday when the initial prediction was hedged by claiming that the actual prediction was that there would be a 104 hour warning of the actual tsunami and that the warning never started so the psychic was not exactly wrong. That is a new twist on making a prediction.
It is interesting to note however that while there was no 9.0 pair of earthquakes that caused flooding tsunamis two weeks ago Saturday, there was a cluster of devastating earthquakes in Iran that Saturday.
This is nowhere near the hit that would have given credibility to the foolhardy prediction since the earthquakes that rocked Iran were in the 4.0 to 5.0 range, but due to the relatively poor construction of buildings compared to our country, the quakes caused a great deal of death and damage in that country.
As I pointed out, a psychic could try to claim that as a hit even though it was not even close to the prediction, but I do find it fascinating that this disaster happened the same day as the prediction even though it was almost half a world away and only half as powerful, but what disreputable psychic would let that stand in his or her way. Wisely, to my knowledge this Mitchell Coombes refrained from doing so to the best of my knowledge. Score one for the healthy skeptics column.
In other news a week or so ago, there was an article in the Morning Call that described a bride stabbing her groom to death 10 hours before their wedding in Allentown in the presence of family members and later sobbing in court that she wanted him back. If I was the judge, my first response would be, "Maybe you shouldn't have inconvenienced him by killing him if you really want him to stay with you." Guess no one will be kissing that bride any time soon.
Speaking of dumb, this one falls in the "Way to shoot my career in the foot" department. Aspiring Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin couldn't resist not only putting his foot in his mouth but instead shoved his whole leg down his throat with his comment about the body being able to determine whether a woman is raped and then stopping her from getting pregnant. Where did this guy go to school, in the eighth century? If you have the intelligence to run for Senate, then perhaps you should learn about your issues from some knowledgeable source that is better than Goober does Science.
While we are on the subject of dumb comments, did you catch the press conference with President Obama earlier in the week? For several days, the geniuses in Washington running Obama's campaign have been desperately throwing mud at Mitt Romney hoping to make something stick calling him a felon, a tax dodger and an all around lousy Presidential candidate. Yet when asked how he felt about his campaign burying themselves in mudslinging and dragging him down, Obama was quick to say he was not aware of such speech.
Not aware of such speech?
That means one of two things. First, he is a mouth piece for someone else, or second he is totally clueless with what his own campaign is doing. Neither alternative is tolerable nor is it desirable in my opinion of someone I want to be our President again.
For a President to claim he is unaware of what his own campaign is doing, he is taking us for fools. How does that make you feel?
I think your decision is simple. Are you and your family better off now than you were four years ago? Then that should be the criteria for your decision. Republicans, Democrats and who's a whats-is are deliberate elitist smoke screens. Don't listen to others, think for yourself.
Entertainment mourns a loss of a legend this week. Legendary trailblazer comedian Phyllis Diller passed away at the age of 95. Her stand-up comedy paved the way for every comedian who has hit the stage since she started in 1950s and featured her in wild clothes, funny housewife humor and an invisible husband she lovingly called "Fang."
Her son said "she died in her sleep with a smile on her face." What a way for one of the original funny women to leave life. She provided much happiness in her life and we hope she is onstage belting out one liners about heaven today. Rest in Peace, Phyllis and thank you for the indelible mark you made on comedy. Well done.
Apparently cutting Conan O'Brien in favor of Jay Leno whose prime time show tanked a few years ago from NBC has come home to roost in that this week they fired 20 to 25 staffers and forced Leno to take a pay cut in order to save more staff from layoffs. His Tonight Show has been consistently fourth in the ratings behind most other late night talk shows. Not a good spot to be for one of the icons of late night television.
From earthquakes in the world to earthquakes on NBC, the world has been crazy the past few weeks, but it is the only one we have. So let's just enjoy the ride.
Til next time …