Need more volunteers?
As our communities get smaller, so does membership and attendance at local churches, clubs and other non-profit organizations.
There are many factors that affect membership and participation of any non-profit organization. Some being membership costs, work schedule, true interest, location, time required and work needed.
Most people are opting to stay home in front of the television or computer, rather than getting involved.
In my opinion, the best way to recruit new members is to simply get out there. Here are a few ideas I've learned that work:
- Plan your events a year in advance.
- Create a simple Facebook page or website explaining your organization's mission statement or goals.
- Get out there. No one will join if they never see you.
- Contact the media regularly; utilizing both free and paid advertising.
- Hold free community events. Not all events require a lot of money.
- Get friends and families of current members involved.
- Create a monthly email or mail newsletter.
- Hold youth events to teach younger generations what you do.
- Don't rely on others to recruit new members. Take initiative.
- Keep regular involvement in regional or district events.
- Hold fundraisers, I.E. recruitment drives, at local box or grocery stores.
- Give members the opportunity to organize their own event. Don't micro-manage.
- Hold events and meetings at different times.
- Create a recruiting committee.
- Get involved or share an event with another non-profit group.
- Hold a large annual event organized by your organization.
- Show regular appreciation to all your volunteers via awards or a dinner.
- Keep members interested, by holding guest speakers or various activities.
- Create flyers and post them at as many places as possible.
And most importantly Don't only hold meetings. Organize a picnic or other social event.