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A beautiful, safe highway

Published October 06. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

For a long time we all heard stories about the infamous "S" curve over there on Route 54, just outside of the village of Hauto. For eight years the state checked, surveyed, and rechecked this curve and also the potential of a by-pass road around the village of Hauto.

As we found out the by-pass went from eight million dollars, eight or so years ago, to over $30 million dollars to build. With some fast decisions when the state was running low on funds, they estimated the cost of eliminating the "S" curve at three million dollars. With this bad economy, they decided this was the way to go.

Well, the road is almost finished. I'm going to tell you, it is a beautiful job that PennDOT has done. Not only the road surface but the land on each side of the road. It is a road that Nesquehoning should be proud of.

There are concerns about speeding, but if you check the highway from the west of the new section of road, this very long section is straight as an arrow and not too many accidents have happened on this area. If drivers decide to make this a speedway…well let them pay for the consequences. It could become a money maker for Nesquehoning.

The bottom line is that it is one beautiful and safe highway. Thank you PennDOT!

David Kuchta

5 Tippets Rd.


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