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Polk column

Published October 25. 2012 05:02PM

Bible classes

Bible classes are available for the Pleasant Valley Elementary and Polk Elementary students from 1:30-2:25 p.m. on Fridays at the Cornerstone Community Church (near the PVE school), and for students from the Pleasant Valley Intermediate school from 2:30-3:20 p.m. on Fridays at the same location.

Free parental permission slips to enroll and attend each week are available at both school offices, and from Jim Ecker, 21 S. 8th St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360; (570) 421-9968; or email Transportation is provided by Bible Clubs approved volunteer drivers. Jim Ecker is the Bible class teacher at both classes. They are conducted by the Monroe County Bible Clubs of "BCM International".

PVI Meet Your Friends

Pleasant Valley Intermediate School will be holding a Meet Your Friends Night for 5th grade on Friday, Oct. 26 from 3:45-6 p.m. in the school gym. Please make sure to pick up your child(ren) promptly.

Pleasant Valley Elementary School

PVE PTO will be holding a Fall Fling on Friday, Oct. 26 from 6-8 p.m. in the school cafeteria. All PVE students and their families are invited to attend.

Trick or Treat night

Polk Township Halloween Trick or Treat will be Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 5-8 p.m. Polk residents who would like to participate should turn on their porch or house lights.

Seniors Halloween party

The Support Services for Seniors Halloween Party will be held at the Polk Township Fire Hall, Route 209, Kresgeville, on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The doors will open at 10:30 a.m. Costume judging will begin at 11:30 a.m. At noon there will be a Family Style lunch. For ticket information call (570) 420-3735

Boy Scout open house

Boy Scout Troop 113 is looking for boys/young men between the ages of 11-17 years old or Cub Scouts crossing over to Boy Scouts. On Monday, Oct. 29 there will be an open house at Cornerstone Church from 6:30-8 p.m. for Cub Scout Webelos III.

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