Some thoughts and tidbits
Today, a few thoughts and tidbits to liven up your Saturday morning.
I'm betting the guy "Fearless Felix" who fell 128,000 feet (more than 24 miles) to set the world's skydiving record, will keep his title for a long time. Most of us wouldn't be crazy enough to try to break that record.
The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.
It's nice to see the borough of Tamaqua so excited about the exploits of its undefeated football team this year. I remember well the 1962 Tamaqua team which didn't lose a game (tied one against Mahanoy Area), and captured the Eastern Conference crown, long before state playoffs came into being. Neighboring Coaldale also went undefeated that year (11-0). The two teams combined to do something that never happened before, and didn't happen again for 50 years.
If you get into the bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up, you can see stars, even in the middle of the day. I would recommend you take my word for it and not actually try it. You might get stuck.
I actually stayed up last Saturday night and watched Derek Jeter break his ankle in the Yankees' loss to the Detroit Tigers. What a bummer, expecially at one in the morning.
When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go. The first sense lost is sight.
This week's college game of the week is South Carolina against second ranked Florida. Watch for the once beaten Gamecocks to knock off the unbeaten Gators. Steve Spurrier's team is overdue to win a big game on the road.
In ancient times strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed.
Closer to home, you might want to take in the Lehigh-Bucknell game in Bethlehem. Lehigh's 7-0 this year and it's their homecoming.
Strawberries are the only fruits whose seeds grow on the outside.
Next Saturday, Oct. 27, is Make a Difference Day. Make sure you do.
Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at 167 calories per hundred grams.
After six weeks, only one team, Atlanta, remains undefeated. Parity rules in the NFL
The moon moves about two inches away from the Earth each year.
Whether you liked Arlen Specter or disliked him, one thing's for certain. The Senator was a feisty man.
The earth gets 100 tons heavier every day due to falling space dust.
After watching some of the gaffs by umpires in the Major League playoffs, how far away can expanded instant replay be?
Due to earth's gravity it is impossible for mountains to be higher than 15,000 meters.
Steelers' rookie defensive lineman Alameda Ta'amu was arrested in Pittsburgh last weekend for driving drunk, crashing into four parked cars, injuring a woman, and then he tried to flee the cops on foot.
If he's guilty, the Steelers should just cut him. Players like that aren't worth the aggravation.
Mickey Mouse is known as "Topolino" in Italy. That should interest my grandson, Sean.
Where is all the money going to come from that will be needed to pay off the 20 Sandusky victims who are suing Penn State?
Soldiers do not march in step when going across bridges because they could set up a vibration which could be sufficient to knock the bridge down.
Talk about fast money. Someone stole a large amount of newly designed hundred dollar bills that weren't going into circulation until next year. Wonder how long the crook will wait until he tries spending the c-notes.
Everything weighs one percent less at the equator.