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A commitment to our community

Published October 27. 2012 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

The economy is bad, jobs are the main issue of the day, construction is slow and all of that is true, however, the residents of Palmerton can be happy that Pencor has once again invested in our community and is building a new building on Delaware Avenue.

Seeing the steel fabrication forming the skeleton of the new building, one can easily see that this will be another wonderful addition to the beautiful buildings that Pencor has throughout our community.

In today's world of finding fault with everything, this is one thing that perhaps deserves a note of thanks and appreciation to Pencor for their commitment to our community and to helping keep Palmerton and Carbon County a viable area with the economic impact by their presence throughout our region.

Particularly in these turbulent times, we are indeed fortunate to have a corporate partner that lives in our community and continues to have a long history of supporting our area.

Louis Sportelli, D.C.

125 Delaware Avenue


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