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Speeders are not being apprehended

Published October 27. 2012 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

I'm writing as a concerned citizen of Palmerton, Pa. In the past few weeks I've been leaving earlier to go to work and I take Rt. 248 towards Lehighton , but on 3 seperate occasions all of which occurring around the same time 5:30 a.m. as I was entering onto 248 from Palmerton I've been passed by cars noticeably exceeding the speed in excess of 70 mph. And approximately 150 yards from the entrance is a little area where the police officers sit for speed traps all 3 times I noticed these speeding cars pass the officer and I just couldn't believe the officer remained parked with his parking lights on.

Seeing this as I passed the officer I blew my horn as if to say " What are you doing?" And that's just the 3 times that I witnessed this so how long has this been going on where we have police officers not doing their job it just infuriates me to see people speeding in plain view of the police and the police not doing anything.

In my opinion something better needs to be done on that stretch of highway from Palmerton to Lehighton and from Lehighton back to Palmerton. Maybe speed limit signs or more rolling patrols because people treat that highway like it's the autobahn and that shouldn't be because there is a speed limit and it's 55mph not 105mph.

Hopefully this letter gets out to bring attention to this situation so the law can be enforced properly.

Christopher Green


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