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Casey Jr. failed us

Published November 05. 2012 05:03PM

Dear Editor:

Six years ago, voters were suckered into electing Bob Casey to the U.S. Senate. Casey Jr. exploited and rode on the coat tails of his Dad's popularity. Jr. is NOT your father's Bob Casey. Governor Casey was a sensible, moderate, anti-abortion Democrat who bravely defied the Democrat party pro-abortion platform.

After six years, Senator Casey has done nothing beneficial for Pennsylvanians or U.S. citizens. In fact, Casey has done the opposite by repeatedly voting for more wasteful spending, higher taxes, and the erosion of our Constitutional-civil rights. He passively allowed the executive branch to illegally usurp power and decision making authority from the Senate and House. Casey acts as a flunky catering to the destructive Obama agenda.

Because Senator Casey has no significant record, he attacks his opponent with slimy false accusations. He commercials call Tom Smith a 'tea party millionaire." Casey's strategy is deceive, divide and conquer, a class warfare tactic used by Joe Stalin, Fidel Castro, etc. By insulting and mocking the Tea Party, Casey shows his contempt for the founding of the USA! The Boston Harbor Tea Party sparked a righteous revolt against oppression and tyranny exerted by England. Brave men and women risked all and sacrificed their lives for U.S. independence. Again, in present day, we Democrat, Republican, and Independent voters must choose between liberty or tyranny.

Casey's snide "millionaire" remark ignores that Tom Smith is a self made, successful job creator, who humbly began as a farmer and coal miner, as did my grandfather. In contrast, Casey Jr., a career politician, has enriched himself with his Senate salary, extravagant benefits, and special perks all paid by struggling, overburdened taxpayers.

Casey falsely accused Smith about Medicare. Reality check: Casey voted for ObamaCare which threatens senior citizens with severe rationing, treatment denials and death panels. The Casey approved ObamaCare scheme removes $716 billion from Medicare to pay new ObamaCare expenses such as free treatment for illegal immigrant invaders, slackers and other politically favored types. Taxpayers will be cursed paying a half trillion dollars extra new taxes, which will destroy jobs. We must defeat Casey, win the Senate to repeal ObamaCare and replace big mouth Harry Reid.

Your votes are important! Your family's destiny hangs in the balance. Vote to send Bob Casey into retirement.

John Wayne Bird,

Lehighton Councilman

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