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Three wrongs in a row

Published November 24. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

On Tuesday Nov. 6 I served as a poll watcher. There was some debate as to what seemed to be a mistake on the printing of the ballot as to the spelling of a major party. Below the word REPUBLICANS was the word "Democratic" party.

The two letter suffix "ic" implies meaning turning a noun into the force of an adjective which is misleading. Do Democrats do democracy better being more in touch with the people as the word "Democratic "suggests? And are the Republicans in a republic more inclined to follow the rule of law because of a root word with meaning stemming from the party name? I think not for both.

Republicans in Obama's second term might console themselves by adding "ism" to Republican turning us into Republicanism for a new religion. Republicans haven't removed God from our party platform. If my suggestions were followed it would be three wrongs in a row if you know what has been done to our Republican brother Ron Paul.

He had gathered enough party electorates and loyalty to be a broker in this past presidential election.

But he was erased from influence by presidential hopeful Romney who changed the rules at the last minute in his favor as a contender. That is what you can do when you are very wealthy and powerful. His character would not have change overnight with a win. Many of us voted for Romney only because we didn't want Obama.

As one of those who voted straight Republican and lost I am cheerful for a good reason. Think of the alternative. What if Romney had won and did to America what he did to Ron Paul? Ron Paul is a man who has not been bought out by corporate interests which makes him a rare candidate. Average conservatives would have dropped their guard with a Romney victory.

Most of us Republicans would have followed all the hoopla of political rhetoric as a trade off for the following: 1) critical thinking, 2) leadership, 3) defending historic civil rights freedoms for citizens, 4) protecting American sovereignty from China and 5) fighting the *influence of United Nations Agenda 21. (It was adopted in part last week in Summit Hill at their borough meeting in adopting the international property maintenance code.)

Disgruntled Ron Paul fans were the swing vote that could have given us Republicans a win because they were the margin of difference on election day a week ago.

Had Romany won he would be the broker in the change out of a *whole new social order that is coming upon us with the birth pangs of a bad economy. But with Romney we would have added deeper confusion. With Obama we were not confused, only misled. There remain tools and infrastructure to correct problems. This confidence I have is because as a loser in the right I fall forward participating in progress, despite higher ups in my political party or our government. This is true according to Christ's sermon on the mount in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke in the New Testament of the Bible, KJV.

I will defend that argument some other time using a reformed view of history as a model and writing as a man who's Christianity isn't tame.

Bob Dages

Jim Thorpe

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