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Coal crackin' generosity

Published November 24. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

From the coal crackin' hills of Pennsylvania

To the golden sands of our neighbor, New Jersey.

There's only a boundary line between us,

but on boundaries to discuss, when it comes to love of thee.

Yes, our friends we know you're there,

And to show we really care, we're sending you truckloads of love to you and yours in your nightmare.

Truckloads of love, truckloads of love, we're sending truckloads of love, we're sending truckloads of love because we care, really care.

From the coal crackin' hills of Pennsylvania,

To all our neighbors down by the sea, gifts of love they be, prayers upon our knees, when we think of you in their great tragedy.

Seabright by the sea, a tightknit community, a perfect little jewel we see. But mother nature can be cruel, for whatever reasons be, devastation from the sea, perplexes the minds of your brothers and sisters, after all, we be.

Oh, how could we do nothin', when we know you're left with, nothin', everything washed into the sea.

But despite your great tragedy, we'll all bend a knee, for you to see,

We all came from the same, family tree.

Yes truckloads of love, truckloads of love, we're sending truckloads of love, we're sending truckloads of love, special delivery?

Yes, you'll repair, rebuild, reboot, this let no one refute, this was just a 'hiccup' in the sand. A stalwart people you be, to live aside the sea, a set beck, temporarily, gives you cause to see, brothers and sisters we all be, and just how, plain-folks can be so grand.

Brethren we all be, thank God for our fire companies.

Yes, you had a guest named "Sandy" uninvited though she be, she brought us to our knees,

She huffed and puffed, we prayed and cussed, thank God she went away, enough, enough we say,

What now we do we pray.

She left us in such disarray,

Our minds are numb, where does help come from, Lord, help us without delay.

Then a guardian angel named Kevin. got your message from heaven. A fireman first class he be. He mobilized his forces, through his veins bravery and charity courses.

With angelic persuasion, mobilized our local nation, firemen from every station to aid this unselfish creation.

Men, women, and children, to the fire station.

Coal crackers all, filled with elation, eager to heed this call, filled our fire hall.

To serve the Lord they got on board, their charity exceeding expectations.

Truckloads of love, filled from the floor to the roof above.

Truckloads of love ... a convoy formed.

Truckloads of love, just the norm.

After all, coal crackers all we be.

Good people all, you see, for good people by the sea.

So from the county of Carbon, in coal cracker jargon, "We'd do it again tomorrow to alleviate the sorrow, no matter what the need may be!

After all? Don't we all, come from the same, family tree.

Manny Lamzos,

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