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Morning after pill not good

Published December 01. 2012 09:03AM

Dear Editor:

Our society has already been sucked down the sewer. Now our young kids are sexually active, and they're ruined. We just don't seem to care, so long as the pills that are being provided by the politically backed grandiose Planned Parenthood "takes care of the problem." But does anyone know what Plan B really is?

The morning after pill destroys conception in the womb, and it's being called "emergency contraception." Thousands of young kids are given these contraceptives without the knowledge or the consent of many parents. The Plan B pills that Planned Parenthood and many university health systems sell like candy are NOT medicine; they are being harmful and dangerous drugs of the hormonal steroid progestin. The hormone has already been proved to cause breast and cervical cancer, blood clots, arterial plaque and liver cancer in the lower doses that are found in birth control pills.

These steroids also deplete a woman's body of bone mass, plus several important nutrients. In several medical studies, progestin may also produce birth defects because of folic acid deficiency. This deficiency affects the development of male organs of the fetus because of the high level of this hormone in the mother's blood stream. You don't hear one word about this from Planned Parenthood or most university health centers. They also don't warn women that taking Plan B medications increases the chances of an ectopic pregnancy. These same people will tell you not to drink a beer or smoke a cigarette if you think you are pregnant, but they will give you something much more harmful; and they'll lie about it.

Women need to have their blood tested for clotting agents when taking low dose steroids in birth control pills, but this is skipped altogether in the case of Plan B, and the dose given to our young girls is 50 times more powerful. Plan B is very much like RU-486 which is an early abortion pill that kills tiny lives and brings them to an unnatural end. This means that our young teens are already practicing abortion.

It's been reported that 25 percent of American females between the ages of 14 and 59 are infected with the HP Virus. This is a sexually transmitted wart virus that causes most cases of cervical cancer and infertility. 44.5 percent of women affected are between the ages of 20 to 24. In 2008, at least one in four girls had a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or more than 3 million teens. This virus is by far the most common sexually transmitted infection in young girls ages 14 to 19. Girls aged 11 to 12 years old are receiving the HPV vaccine, and catch-up shots are readily available for those who are 13 to 26.

There is so much sexually transmitted disease among senior citizens in New York City, that the city is sponsoring AIDS education classes and handing out hundreds of condoms at senior centers and places where the elderly congregate. A Staten Island newspaper reported that the biggest complaint from them is that they wanted to have a partner to go along with the condoms.

When I was growing up, if a girl had loose morals she was called "popular," and if a young woman got pregnant she was shipped out of town for about a year to homes for unwed mothers. People would talk about these girls and their families, but only in a whisper. Back then, a girl and her family were social outcasts if their daughter became pregnant without being married, and it didn't fare very well for the boy either. If was every man's biggest nightmare. Abortions were very rare back then.

Years ago, when the news reported that a heroin addict was found dead, our parents breathed a sigh of relief. Drug dealers and abortionists were considered monsters. At the ages of 12 through 14, we'd still be trick or treating, and we were playing baseball with the neighborhood kids. We'd go to school dances in the school gym when our parents took us. The most private activity we'd engage in was listening in on the party line from the only phone in the house which was attached to a six food cord.

We'd watch TV and have only three channels to choose from. The channels signed off at 11 p.m. with the Indian test pattern. Our parents didn't have to wonder where we were, because we'd be at home in bed.

When did our schools start to take so much power away from the parents? What right do they have to do this to our young children? Years ago any teacher who handed out condoms or pills to our children would have gotten run out of town. Planned Parenthood doesn't have any right to engage in the sexual attitudes of our kids' lives. Planned Parenthood shouldn't even exist. What's next on the agenda for this generation of kids? Are they going to begin getting a series of birth control pills i.e.., their "medicine" at the age of 8? Where will it end? Our government is more than willing to sponsor agencies that will "fix them."

Faye Ruckhardt


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