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No reason for stores to be open

Published December 08. 2012 09:03AM

Dear Editor:

In his column of Dec. 1, 2012, (Back Again - Thoughts) Bob Urban raised some issues which I would like to discuss further.

Mr. Urban states that while watching television news program on Thanksgiving morning, he caught an interview with a Walmart employee. The employee and others were planning a wildcat strike due to the fact they were being forced to work on a legal/federal holiday. Mr. Urban stated that rather than complain these employees should be ever so thankful that they have jobs while millions of others are out of work and others had to work on this special family day.

Could it possibly be that those who were forced to work were your emergency and first responder personnel? - Doctors and nurses? Police and firemen?

Also through the years a number of people fought for these holidays in order to spend time with their families. But now some people are readily given them back so that stores and corporations can worship on bended knee at the altar of the almighty dollar.

Again I must state there was absolutely no reason for Walmart, Kmart, Sears, or Penney's to be open on that day. And if there were where was my issue of THE TIMES NEWS for Nov. 22, 2012? But again, maybe it was more important that Mr. Urban and other staff spend the day with their families.


Richard Carrigan, Jim Thorpe

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