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Eldred news

Published December 07. 2012 05:04PM

Historical society

The Eldred Township Historical Society elected new officers. They are Jalene Keiser, president; Shirley Krum, vice president; Joyce Gower, secretary; and Sharon Solt, treasurer.

There will be no meeting in December. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, Jan. 15.

They will show a video of '50s and '60s commercials.

Journey to Bethlehem

St. Matthew's UCC in Kunkletown is going to tell the Nativity story in a "Journey to Bethlehem," presented two nights on Friday, Dec. 14 and Saturday, Dec. 15 from 6:30-9 p.m. Portrayed will be the journey that Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem that led to the stable where Jesus was born.

Narrators will walk with groups describing each of the nine live scenes set up outside the church.

Visitors are asked to dress for the weather. The last scene will be inside the church.

There will be luminaries, lights and music. Light refreshments will be served in the social hall.

The only admission "fee" is a nonperishable item that will be donated to Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network (PVEN) for Christmas baskets to be distributed in the West End community. Monetary donations will be accepted as well to be given to PVEN.

If you have any questions, call (610) 381-2253 or email

Exercising seniors

There is a low-impact exercise class for those over 55 at the Kunkletown Volunteer Fire Company every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-10 a.m.

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