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An important meeting

Published December 15. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

The next Planning meeting for the "Proposed Adventure Park", NAVITAT , will be held on December 20th, at the Penn Forest Township Fire Hall at 6:30 p.m. Please come early as seating is limited.

The "Public Notice", was not advertised in local newspapers, as required by the Pennsylvania Sunshine ACT 84 of 1986 (amended by ACT 93 of 1998). The law requires that all official actions and deliberations of municipal or agency governing bodies held for the purpose of making a decision take place at meetings that are open to the public.The openness keeps residents more informed and allows for increased Public confidence in our governing bodies.

The requirements are the same for advertising a rescheduled meeting. Time and date should be posted at the meeting location and advertised in a newspaper of general circulation. A notice of cancellation for the originally scheduled meeting should also be posted at the meeting location. You can search the Pennsylvania Public Notices on the website to be more informed . So far, the Public Notice has not appeared in the local newspapers.This meeting is only days away..... Is this an effort to keep residents in the dark or just another oversight?

This is a very important meeting that will affect our property values, and peaceful existence on "the mountain". No....This is not a "DONE DEAL", as has been assumed by a few residents. YES, the fight will continue to save our property values and peace and tranquility of the area. Remember, you do have a voice! Please join us at the meeting.

We are not "COUNTRY BUMPKINS", as has been overheard at a local restaurant. We are teachers, nurses, marketing executives, patient advocates, small business owners, veterans, retirees, stay at home Moms and we value our family, communities, churches, and our reputations. If we are so called "COUNTRY BUMPKIN'S", where will NAVITAT'S work staff come from?

Ironic, isn't it? We are not against NAVITAT coming into a commercial area. But we do not want them in a residential area, flying through our living rooms! We are now in the forth quarter, tied score, 2 seconds to go, we have the ball on the 10 yard line. Do we go for it or let the time run out? With our character and determination., I will leave that up to the residents of Penn Forest Township! This is my opinion.

Judith Salovay Penn Forest Township

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