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Ban assault weapons

Published December 22. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

Shooting at a movie -Shooting at a mall- Assassination on a N.Y. busy street-Shooting in the subway and now an elementary School?

All this and more. Still no one wants to change the law on guns? Do you really think that the founding fathers would have written an amendment if they had automatic weapons?

Get real people. You want to hunt that is great, But do you really need semi automatic weapons? Do you need a hand gun?

Let's leave it to law enforcement. Put it in a store and some idiot will buy it. We don't need people getting shot. People used to settle arguments with reason or with there hands.

Now take out a weapon and shoot someone. CNN now shows there is a machine that can make a gun at home that can't be traced.

The human race is in trouble if they don't wake up. We have 27 people dead (including the shooter). People are saying that the shooter had problems. (mental).

As of this moment i haven't heard of his doctor confirm this. If so people -remember this our wonderful governor has cut money to help young challenged people.(why?)

Does this mean that Pa. will have a problem in the future? (i hope not). Assault -Automatic &semi automatic weapons must be banned. Plus a better back round check has to be implemented ALL Guns should be locked so no Un-authorized person can get them.

I Remain

Robert (ski) Siesputowski

Summit Hill

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