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Delete the trash

Published December 29. 2012 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

If you are reading this you have probably survived the end of the world as predicted by historians about the Mayan Calendar. And no one knows what the Mayans had in mind when their calendar ends on the 21st of December in 2012. The good thing that the date has passed and you can set a new set of goals as you do with every New Year.

I was watching Wayne Dwyer on public TV and had an Aha moment and the subject of the letter to the editor. Each and every one of us has some form of electronic communication. Lap top; desk top; I phone, or and I pad. And each and every one of us receives tons of massages, Unsolicited or not. The most amazing aspect of you electronic device is that it has a TRASH button. Think about it, how many messages do you receive and completely ignore and put them in the TRASH. With just a click of your mouse. Gone forever, how about that. The second part of this amazing devise is that with another click of the mouse you can DELETE all those garbage messages in your trash can. If you recall last year I called that the "law of the garbage can."

As the year comes to an end and you realize you are a survivor of the Mayan calendar. Take all those messages that you have put in the trash bucket. Clear your Electronic device (your mind) and dump all those messages from trash to delete. Let's start the New Year with a new slate no more trash. Tell folks to keep their negative thoughts to themselves and start on the positive road for 2013.

Good luck

From the pen of Ken Treger, Lehighton

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