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Many Americans disagree

Published December 29. 2012 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

David Wargo's recent whining anti-Obama diatribe is so stuffed with distortions and self-pity that is really difficult to plow through the whole thing in one sitting. Mr. Wargo should note that 130,000,000 Americans disagree with him and voted for Barack Obama twice in the past 49 months. Wargo trots out all the stale and failed and rejected GOP positions on death taxes, our suffering millionaires, and the communist public school teachers. This stuff is 30 plus years old and is getting tiresome. President Obama won by almost 15,000,000 votes the past two elections and won by 25,000,000 votes outside of the racist South. Hardly some of the closest margins in American history. Now one vote, Scalia, winning the 2000 election for George Bush, that WAS close.

The "class warfare" Mr. Wargo decries has been going on against the middle class since 1980. The middle class has lost. Average annual adjusted wages have gone done for 40 years for the shrinking middle class while business profits have soared, the stock market has gone up 700 percent, and top tax rates have gone down from 90 percent under Eisenhower and Reagan. Since 2001, 93 cents of every dollar of business profit has gone to the top two percent of the wealthy. That leaves the warring lower classes of 98 per centers to fight over a measly seven cents on the dollar of profit. Meanwhile, worker efficiency and production has DOUBLED the past 30 years. Too bad middle class wages have been flat or even gone down. Where does Mr. Wargo think all of that money "saved" squeezing out every ounce of energy from the sweat of the beleaguered and mostly non-union workers has gone? Class warfare is where Mitt Romney make $21 million and paid lower taxes than I do though he makes $400,000 a week on capital gains. One DAY of "earnings" for Mitt Romney equals two to three YEARS of work for the average worker. If Mitt Romney worked for an hourly rate, he would be making $10,000 an hour in a 40 hour week. Class warfare? Yeah right.

By the end of the elections in 2014, when Democrats hold 250 House seats and 60 in the Senate, Mr. Wargo can finally see what President Obama is really about. Hard to do much the first term with 386 Senate filibusters from the GOP. The GOP is dead in the water just on sheer demographics for the rest of the century, Mr. Wargo. The new Bull Moose Party run into the ground by the Tea Party. Reagan would be an unacceptable progressive to today's GOP.

Dave Panckeri


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