Schuylkill County property transfers
Scott A. Swoyer and Colleen J. Swoyer to Howard Hannum: Property at 272 Fifth St., $70,000.
Loretta A. Beasley and Ollie J. McDonald for the estate of Herbert McAlpine to Omega Star Realty LCC: Property at 216 W. Howard Avenue, $16,000.
East Brunswick Township
The Bank of New York Mellon to Robert Heim Property at 56 Goose Pond Road, $61,000.
Kline Township
Eugene E. Nitka and Shirley Nitka to Linda Nitka-Moyer and Janet Nitka: Property at 9 Fifth St., $1.
Gary J. Kringer to Geoffrey T. Major and Caitlin Major: Property at 2 Fifth St., $98,000.
Michael Collado to Katiria I. Collado: Property at 4 E. Green St.,$53,000.
A&A Real Estate Associates LP to Opa's BV LLC: Property on Lofty Road, $1.
Sharon Petchel, for the estate of Richard E. Clark, and Kenneth Francis Clark to Douglas E. Millbyer: Property at 34 S. Sheridan St., $38,000.
Schuylkill County Properties LLC to Franklin Soto: Properties at 3-5 S. Kennedy Drive, $47,500.
The estate of Herbert McAlpine to Arial Colon: Property on Kennedy Drive, $17,500.
Schuylkill Township
Branch Banking and Trust Company to Ridge Cup Properties LLC: Property at 131 Walnut St., $38,500.
Milton D. Drum for the estate of Dolores T. Drum to Thomas F. Parsons and Barbara Stemmler: Property at 115 N. Main St.,$25,000.
Terry White and Tamela White to Terry White: Property at 275 Van Gelder St., $1.
John Blank and Stacy A. Sabol-Blank to Stacy A. Sabol: Property at 428 Pine St., $1.
Federal National Mortgage Association to Bank of America: Property at 123 Mahanoy St., $1.
Schuylkill County Sheriff Joseph G. Groody to the Bank of America: Property at 101 Clay St., $1,186.
Phyllis M. Sterner to Jay L. Hinrichs: Property at 302 Arlington St., $16,000.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Jay L. Hinrichs: Property at 535 E. Broad St., $22,500.
John A. Hutta and Jeannine Kruzik to John A. Hutta and Jeannine Kruzilk: Property at 422 Hazle St., $1.
Ann M. Houseman to Ryan H. Oldt: Property at 334 Mountain Ave., $18,000.
Angela M. Derr and Paul J. Derr to Bank of America: Property at 101 Clay St., $1,186.
Helen B. Cunningham to Mary Reed and Karen D. Reed: Property at 441 Hazle St., $39,000.
West Penn Township
Maria Magdalena Habegger and Johanna Elisabeth Oeschger to 74 Retreat Road LLC; two properties on Retreat Road; $1.
Edward G. Krout to Michael R. Scott and Tina M. Scott: Property in West Penn, $40,000.
Martin J. Baddick and Kira A. Baddick to the Federal National Mortgage Association: Property at 30 Pine Hill Road, $1.
Andrew J. Miller and Tabatha K. Ruch to Andrew J. Miller: Property at 272 Millhead Road; $1.