Palmerton soccer club thankful to Horsehead
The Towamensing Soccer Club would like to thank the Horsehead Community Development Fund for their generous philanthropic and altruistic monetary grant that will benefit our nonprofit and volunteer driven club.
In October, the TSC Soccer Board applied for a monetary grant to help offset the costs of running an expanding and growing soccer club. The Horsehead
Development Fund provided TSC with a matching challenge grant. If we could raise $2,500 dollars, they would match it.
The TSC Board is proud to announce that by selling discount cards, field sponsorships, team sponsorships, and the first year of its Gyro Stand at the Palmerton Community Festival, we were able to raise and exceed the challenge grant.
In late November, the TSC Board received the $2,500.00 grant that helped offset the yearly costs of field maintenance, uniforms, equipment, etc.The Towamensing Soccer Club is grateful and appreciates the commitment and support that the Horsehead Community Development Fund and Horsehead Corporation provide to our community and children.
A special thanks to William Smelas and the entire Fund Committee for their help!
Thank you HORSEHEAD!
Brian Morgan,
TSC Soccer Board