Trying to make sense of news
Sometimes the daily news can be difficult to figure out.
Eastman Kodak has filed for bankruptcy. Analysts say the company's decline began long ago when foreign rival Fujifilm started cutting into the market long held by Kodachrome and other Kodak products.
Later, the trend toward digital photography supposedly became the nail in the coffin for Kodak. If that's true, I don't know why it happened. Why did the world's greatest film maker have trouble adapting to digital?
The first digital camera I used was a Kodak. It was a one megapixel-model and did a decent job.
But now they say Kodak is bankrupt, and I just don't get the picture.
Paula Deen, the queen of bacon cheeseburgers on a doughnut bun, showed us that fat-filled, buttery eating likely is a factor in the onset of weight gain and diabetes.
But it took Deen three years to admit it to the public - all in the best interests of her purse. In journalism, we observe three words of sage advice when covering a story: follow the money. In Deen's case, I believe she kept diabetes secret because she was protecting her income-producing brand and her unhealthy cooking dynasty. She came clean about diabetes only when offered a lucrative job as pitchwoman for diabetes medication. Follow the money.
I'm guessing she'll find a way to include the medication as a new topping on the bacon cheeseburger.
The Italian cruise ship tragedy is heartbreaking.
I never wanted to take a cruise and now I feel vindicated about that decision. If you decide to go aboard and hit the waves, be sure your captain isn't that Chicken of the Sea guy. He climbs off the ship faster than a cat falling into a tub of water. And isn't it a coincidence that a major cruise ship has gone down 100 years after the Titanic? History repeats.
One hundred years ago, the captain went down with the ship. Today, the captain grabs the first lifeboat, goes to shore, and watches everyone else struggle to save themselves. (And just imagine, people say chivalry is dead.)
I've become apolitical. I can't find a presidential candidate I'd support. It's hard for a liberal to select among conservatives.
I think Ron Paul is a good guy. A friend agreed, saying: "It'd be nice to have a humble man for president for a change, instead of four more years of Obummer's elevated ego and incompetence." But others say Paul is too old for the job.
Poor Texas Governor Rick Perry dropped out of the race after spending millions. He would've given us four more years of George Bush. Oops.
Perry endorsed Newt Gingrich, who comes across as a sanctimonious conservative in support of open marriages. Oops.
Then there's Rick Santorum, as liberal as an Amish monk. I met him years ago. To me, he seemed out of step with mainstream society. Times have changed but Santorum hasn't. Oops.
Willard Romney is still trying to avoid using his first name. He insists his first name is Mitt, and people are buying it. Perhaps worse, a survey indicates that six percent of Americans think 'Mitt' is actually short for Mittens. Even if it were so, it doesn't seem to bother anyone if Mittens Romney is named in honor of someone's cat. Oops.
Of course, Republicans haven't cornered the market on Oops. They actually learned it from Democrats. But it doesn't matter because people learned to dismiss political foibles way back when Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky taught everyone what Oops really means.
Politics should be a serious matter, but sometimes it's hard not to laugh.