Not for human consumption
Move over, bath salts.
The dangerous narcotic that had been all the rage has since been replaced by the newest designer drug to hit the market.
That would be in the form of jewelry cleaner.
Yes, you heard that right. Jewelry cleaner.
Also known as 'Cosmic Blast', the potentially deadly cocaine-like powder is hidden in packages called "jewelry cleaner".
If swallowed or breathed in, the drug contains poisonous ingredients such as ammonia, detergent, and soap, according to the web site,
The prognosis depends on the amount of poison swallowed and how quickly treatment was received. The faster a patient receives medical help, the better the chance for recovery.
Jewelry cleaner can cause severe burns to the inside of the gastrointestinal tract, while extensive damage to the mouth, throat, eyes, lungs, esophagus, nose, and stomach are possible.
Damage continues to occur to the esophagus and stomach for several weeks after the poison was swallowed. Death may occur as long as one month after.
Which begs the question, why even dabble with the stuff in the first place?
Those that do will cite the euphoria, or high, they experience.
Only what they fail to realize is it's not really a high, but rather, a low, in terms of the depths they'll sink to over time.
It just shows some people really will go to any lengths to get their fix, no matter how irrational or self-destructive the behavior.
If someone asked you to swallow poison, would you? The answer, of course, is no for any sane human being.
Personally, I couldn't contemplate the thought of deliberatley poisoning my body.
I guess my mind always drifts back to the scowling green face of Mr. Yuk that as a child, was a warning for poisonous substances that should be avoided.
It's too bad that symbol isn't plastered on every illegal drug. Maybe then, people would think twice about consuming them.
Fortunately, state lawmakers passed a law that went into effect in August that bans drugs such as bath salts, synthetic pot, and the like.
In doing so, Pennsylvania became the 21st state to take such action.
Swift action must be done to curtail this type of nonsensical behavior.
As for me, I'm perfectly content to stick to the kinds of salts I'm more acquainted with.
Like table salt, to sprinkle on my french fries.
Or, garlic salt, to go with my slice of pizza.
And, at this time of year, rock salt, to lay on my sidewalk pavements.
Now, that's a high worth living for.