Cabela's, PFBC team to promote PA. fishing
Cabela's has partnered with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to promote fishing with the "Wanna Go Fishing for Millions?" contest that gives anglers the opportunity to win as much as $2-million in cash and more than $225,000 in additional prizes by catching tagged fish in select waters. This year's contest begins Saturday, May 5, and every tagged fish caught will be a winner.
This is the second year for the contest, and last year 143 winning fish were caught in the various states participating in the "Wanna Go Fishing for Millions?" contest. This year, one tagged fish could be worth $1-million, but the grand prize will be doubled to $2-million for participants who are current users of the Cabela's Fish Recon app or who download the Cabela's Fish Recon app to their smartphone, sponsored by Geico.
Other prizes include two Ranger 520Z Bass Series Comanche boats and trailers with Evinrude outboard motors, valued at $65,000 each, as well as more than $20,000 in gear from Costa sunglasses, Abu Garcia and Rapala. All rules and requirements, as well as contest details and registration information, can be found at the contest website,
Registration is underway and participants must pre-register before fishing. Cabela's will release the list of lakes before the promotion begins to those who pre-register on May 1, and winners of specific prizes will be announced after the promotion ends July 8.
Species to be tagged this year include largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass, white bass, striped bass, perch, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, lake trout, walleye, crappie, wiper, bluegill and channel catfish. Species will vary state-to-state, and the Pennsylvania contest gets under with special promotions at Cabela's Hamburg location, May 3-5.
Cabela's event coordinator Harold Luther and PFBC executive director John Arway will hold a press conference about the contest, May 3, at 11 a.m. PFBC representatives will also be at the store during this promotion, May 3-5, to talk about the contest and the fishing opportunities in Pennsylvania.
Sunday's edition of "Experience The Outdoors," hosted by award-winning Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association member Doyle Dietz, at 7 a.m. on 1410 WLSH and 9:30 a.m. on Magic 105.5, will feature outdoors writer Rich Faler, author of "How To Catch A World Record Fish."
A 3-D course for vertical and crossbows is open daily, 24/7, at the Hazleton Archery Club, 170 Woodside Drive, Freeland. For information, call the club at 570-450-0988.
Bear's Head 3-D course is open daily through Friday, Oct. 12, from dawn to dusk, located on club grounds located off I-81 exit 134, 148 Lofty Road, Delano. For information, call the association at 570-467-0331.
Registration is underway for the Schuylkill County Youth Field Day at Friedensburg Fish and Game, Saturday, May 19, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is a free event for youth between the ages of 10-15 sponsored by the Schuylkill County Sportsmen's Association and Schuylkill Conservation District in cooperation with various outdoors and conservation organizations.
For information and required pre-registration, call "Porcupine Pat" McKinney at (570) 622-4124, ext. 113 or email: .
A National Wild Turkey Federation Women In The Outdoors event will be held Saturday, June 9, at Ontelaunee Rod and Gun Club, New Tripoli, for those age 14 and older. For information and required preregistration, contact Donna Balgosky at 610-767-6932 or email by Friday, June 1.
Schuylkill Spurs Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation will meet, Thursday, May 3, beginning at 7:30 p.m., at 633 Hancock St., McAdoo. For information, call Kevin Titus at 570-668-5903.