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Tamaqua news

Published May 17. 2012 05:01PM

Fitness day

Seven Tamaqua Area High School students have organized a community-wide Fit Day for this Saturday at the Tamaqua Elementary School. Activities will be held from noon until 6 p.m. and will include a community walk, various physical activities, informational kiosks, free health screenings, exercise demonstrations and competitions for all ages. There will also be musical entertainment.

Students involved in the project include Martin Sedlock, Shane Mulligan, Joseph Franko, Brandon Fogel, Troy Reinhardt, David Frederickson and Dylan Houser.

The public is welcome to attend. There is no admission fee.

Rush-Ryan seniors

The Rush, Ryan and Delano Senior Citizens Inc. held its 33rd Annual Anniversary Dinner May 8 at the Ryan Township Fire Company with 52 members in attendance.

Chaplain Kathleen Valentine offered an invocation. Birthday greetings were extended to Leona Machay, Dorothy Schmerfeld, Nancy Godanis and Alberta Corch. A get-well card was sent to Jane Springer.

The group meets the second and fourth Monday of every month. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join.

Class of 1992

The Tamaqua Area High School Class of 1992 is planning its 10th anniversary reunion and organizers are in need of contact information for several classmates.

Among the "missing" are Wendy Derr, Terri Faust, Brian Hoppes, Kurt Kohut, Constance Murphy, Ryan Shellhamer, Michele Smith, Matt Yeager and Roger Wagner.

Anyone with current information for any of the listed class members may contact Lauren Schock Wall at (570) 668-2493.

Free fishing

A Pennsylvania Fish For Free Day will be held May 28, allowing residents and non residents to fish without a license. A special program will be held that day, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the program shelter at Locust Lake State Park.

While fishing licenses are not required, all other regulations will apply.

An officer from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, as well as a park naturalist, will be available to answer questions or offer assistance. There will also be a demonstration on ways to filet and fry fish. Bring your own bait.

For more information, contact Robin at (570) 467-2506.

Computer classes

The Tamaqua Salvation Army is sponsoring a series of free computer classes to the public. Computer labs are held every Monday, from 4-5 p.m, at 105 W. Broad St. with instructor Andy Leibenguth.

Seating is limited, so please contact Leibenguth to confirm your space by calling (570) 668-1234 or emailing

No previous computer experience, or ownership, is required.

Miller Keystone

A Miller Keystone Memorial blood drive will be held Monday, May 21, at the Rite Aid on Center Street. Hours will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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