Disputes accusations about GOP
Dear Editor:
This is in response to Mr. Fazio's "DOWN BY THE SEASHORE" Letter to the Editor.
I highly resent his bigoted remarks that "REPUBLICAN poll workers were handing out campaign material outside the polls on Election Day accusing Democrats of being stupid.
Mr. Fazio offers no evidence of his accusation nor does he state this happened at one or all of the poll precincts. This BLANKETED statement shows his bigotry and hatred of Republicans. His statement is intended for the voters, who did not come out to vote, in the hopes that they will believe his view of Republicans and create a disdain and mistrust toward ALL Republicans.
I personally handed out literature for the candidates I support. I was not interested in speaking with Democrats since they could not vote for my candidates as it was, after all, the Primary Election.
He then continues his bigotry by trying to mislead the public as to what Republican policies are by parroting The Left, and by attempting to profile Republicans as wanting to end social security, medicare/medicaid, cut eduction, unemployment and every other benefit he could think of. Again, where are HIS FACTS to support his PROFILING of Republicans?
He continues his unfounded statements by stating the wealthy does not pay enough taxes and should pay more. What if Walmart didn't make a profit? They would lay off workers and what would become of those workers? Where would they find employment. What if we stop producing oil? Where would those employees find work? Does Mr. Fazio have jobs waiting for these people?
What if drug companies were unable to invest in new medicines? We would be in one mess and according to Mr. Fazio's way of thinking, should any of this happen, we would all just work for the government, until the money ran out, and then return to our "caves".
Republican policies are not the negative ideas that Mr. Fazio spouts. The policies are intended to improve and ensure that the programs are there for the future. I've never seen the government end a failing program.
Their response is "we need more money".
He also offers nothing more than hypothetical situations. Here's one he missed ... what if we didn't have to pay all the taxes that are imposed on us, federal state county, school, sales, gasoline, phones etc.? Think of the money we'd have in our pockets. We could invest in our retirement, pay college tuition's without borrowing, contribute to the needy, and pay for ones own contraception.
I HOPE everyone can look at the ideas and policies of both parties and decide which candidate supports their views and vote for them.
Let's CHANGE the false attitude that Republican's are out to destroy the life's of ALL Americans.
Peter Salerno Sr.