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I have had enough of the politics

Published June 02. 2012 09:01AM

I try to keep up with the political situation both here in the United States and abroad. Many Americans follow the political situation in this country, but are often unaware of the situation in other countries. Many informed Americans know that the President rejected the Keystone Pipeline. This pipeline was intended to bring much needed fuel from oil and gas fields in Canada, our friendly and stable neighbor to the north. With the Keystone pipeline in place, our nation's energy needs could be met for at least another 40 years. The Canadians reacted to the President's decision by quickly negotiating a deal with the Chinese government. Now the energy we so desperately need is in the hands of a military super power hell-bent on building an empire that could threaten world peace and our nations security.

Instead of building the Keystone Pipeline the Canadians are building a massive pipeline to take Alberta energy and pump it over the Rocky Mountains to the Canadian seaports on the West Coast. A massive new terminal is under construction to liquefy the natural gas. Refineries are being built to process the tar sands to produce oil, which will also be piped to Vancouver. A second pipeline is under construction in the Arctic to bring petroleum down from the Mackenzie Delta. This will move Canadian Arctic oil and gas to seaports where Chinese tankers can fill up with black gold and take it to their energy-starved nation. I expect that the Chinese will stockpile massive amounts of oil to ensure that their military has the fuel they need to continue their suppression of the Chinese people and quell any uprisings quickly and decisively.

Since the beginning of his term, the President has repeatedly snubbed Canada. What Obama fails to consider is that Canada has been a staunch ally of the United States for almost 200 years. Canadians fought along side Americans in every declared war except the War of Independence, as Canada did not exist until 1867. Prior to 1867, Upper Canada (Ontario) was controlled by the British and Lower Canada (Quebec) was controlled by the French until France ceded Quebec to the British after the War of 1812. The Obama administration destroyed 200 years of cooperation and support in one term! Is it any wonder that Canada responded to Obama's rejection of the Keystone pipeline by selling their oil on the open market?

Many Americans are now focusing on the November elections as their opportunity to replace the President. The Republican Party went through a very difficult process to select their presidential candidate of choice. The airwaves were saturated with a constant stream of political commentary. The candidates were constantly in our faces with their messages. Each candidate believed that only they could save the United States from a second Obama term. The candidates fought their battles in public, over saturating the American people with their hyperbole. By last week, even I had had enough of empty and often deceptive promises of the politicians.

I decided to tune it all out. I was burned out. Unfortunately, escaping the constant political barrages was impossible. Everywhere I turned, every station on the radio, was bombarding me with political messages. Fortunately, there are still places in American where one can live at a slower pace far away from the maddening political crowd.

My wife and I were lucky to find a simpler place, where life is far less complex. Politicians have not reached this hamlet yet! There is no cell phone service. To use your cell phone, you have to drive almost 30 miles. Internet service is rationed in this community, as there are not enough connection points for every household to have their own Internet connection. Cable is not available and there are no local TV stations available on my television. Satellite TV is very popular here as it is the only option for those who want to watch the Boob Tube. We don't have a satellite dish, so we listen to the radio. There are books to read. We can walk in the woods and even go fishing in the pond if we want.

I feel that I have reverted to the world of my youth, before television was popular. Without electronic distractions, we find ourselves spending more time outside. We can lie in the sun, or chat with people by the pool or in the café. People have time to sit and talk. Conversations are interesting. I learned on my first visit here that it is best not to talk politics. Wow! Finally we escaped the barrage! It took me several days to adjust to a more rural environment, as I was addicted to instantaneous messaging and constant "breaking news".

Going to the grocery store takes half a day. It is at least an hour's drive each way. Once in town, there are many little stores managed by interesting people. I found myself talking to the owner of a small coffee shop. The coffee was good and you could drink as much as you wanted. While I took advantage of the never-ending coffee, my wife sauntered around town exploring the small specialty shops.

It has been a very long time since I listened to radio shows. Last night, I listened to an old Red Skelton program taped about 60 years ago. He was as funny yesterday as he was when we sat around my grandfather's Crosby radio. My earliest memory is listening to Queen Elizabeth II's coronation sitting on the floor in my grampa's sitting room. We also listened to horseraces on the radio. My grampa and I were listening to radio when Northern Dancer won the Triple Crown. What a celebration that was! I now have found a place where I can listen to the Golden Age of Radio and really appreciate it.

I'm sure there are other places in America where life is simpler. I'm surprised it took me this long to escape the electronic jungle, hustle and bustle of modern living. Unfortunately, we have to go home this weekend, back to reality. Not to worry. We will be back here again very soon. My wife and I found our secret place! Yes, life is good!

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