Tamaqua speed trap questioned
Dear Editor:
The stories that are written in your paper about Tamaqua and the area continue to prove the only way a matter will get better if we, the people, do the right thing.
Our elected officials, those appointed and employees, make bad decisions. The sewer service, for 50 plus years, went on with over 100 homes not being correctly served but still charged for the service.
The borough council makes a deal with a firm to provide maintenance of the street lighting and paid $400,000 for it to J. Kearns and Patrick Mclaine. Now the same attorney who reviewed the deal, Michael Greek, has now filed a lawsuit for Tamaqua against the firm, with the taxpayers paying the bill.
Our leaders are not thinking productively and efficiently. They want to save $500 now and spend $500,000 later to clean up the mess.
Currently, Route 209, also know as E. Broad St., has a posted speed limit sign stating 25 miles-per-hour through the borough. PA law, title 75, section 3362, states 35 mph unless Tamaqua council has done a study and approved to reduce it. In short, Tamaqua has not done the study or approved to reduce it. I personally have asked Kevin Steigerwalt, borough manager, for a certificate from the state allowing for a 25 mph zone for over two months and have gotten nothing.
Further more, I've been in front of DJ Stephen Bayer plus two other individuals that I know of and had speeding tickets for 35 mph. Bayer had to dismiss.
Feeling sorry for the poor and weak who pay these fees, this is why I'm writing to the TIMES NEWS.
A newspaper is a powerful tool for a community. This same letter was sent to Judge Bayer to stop collecting fines for this illegal speed trap, or any other charged obtained for ticketed drivers traveling over 25 mph.
Better yet, maybe we should have Mr. Michael Greek file a class-action suit to return all the fine money to the people who paid these fines.
Tamaqua is a good community with good people working together. We will all do better. Lets wake up.
Clyde Bachert,
304 E. Broad St.,