Marian Softball Camp league awards
The Marian Fillies Softball Camp American League award winners are, front row, from left, Macy Alansky (bunting), Cealinn Erbe (hitting), Mykenzie Malaeusky(base running) and Emily Shaud (throwing and fielding). Back row, coaches/counselors Lindsay Nemeth, Kayla Knight, Michael DeAngelo, John DeAngelo, Mike Brennan, Shannon Skotek and Jeanne Cannon.
The Marian Fillies Softball Camp National League award winners are, front row, from left, Jasmine Mooney (throwing), Kayla Merkel (base running and hitting), Bethany Shaud (fielding) and Stephanie Lencovich (bunting). Back row, coaches/counselors Joe Brennan, Abbey Hill, Ginger Howe, Alexa Nemeth, Ashley Donlin and Joe DeAngelo.