Politicians need to speed up the healthcare process
Dear Editor:
When laws need to be passed immediately concerning critical health and safety issues of extreme importance regarding public liability, there should be no prolonged process hindering a specific law to be enacted. Consider this most recent health hazard brought on by the producers of "bath salts" with this extremely dangerous drug being sold legally in stores throughout the State of Pennsylvania to anyone crazy enough to buy and use them.
I was completely "dumb founded' while listening to a prominent neurosurgeon affiliated with the Geisinger Medical Center being interviewed on the nightly news. This doctor had stated that these so called "bath salts" were the worst intoxicating drug he had ever experienced in all of the years he had been practicing medicine. He went on to say, this new drug on the market could cause extreme detrimental side effects along with permanent brain damage to the user, and should be banned immediately.
Furthermore, this drug has been for sale on the open market for many months now, and the law to stop the sale of this horrible, "mind boggling" drug has just recently gone into effect. Don't you think these idiots who have been buying and using this drug, have had plenty of time to stock pile them, while our politicians have been wasting too much time deciding on whether to outlaw this drug?
Our political process for putting crucial, much needed laws through Congress or wherever laws are passed, when something like these synthetic drugs are being distributed, causing life threatening situations within our society, have got to change and laws must be enacted right away to prevent this type of poison from getting into the wrong hands, or brains.
Unfortunately, there are merchandisers of today who are only concerned with their profits being made from whatever they have to sell, and their ethical and moral conduct is of no concern to them, or they wouldn't be selling anything known to be this harmful to their mostly young customers.
Sad to say, it is all about "how much money can be made" in today's society, which has become more and more prevalent in allot of businesses everywhere, and as the old saying goes; "A true capitalist; will sell the rope which hangs him."
John M. "Jack" Selby