Formulating the life path
Last week we looked at numbers and how they could be used to provide insights into our personalities and what we want out of life. While I do not believe anything can predict the future, I think that we should be open to the possibilities that there are ways to get further insight into our character
While I described the basic idea behind the Life Path in the last column, it is only a general predictor as to the energies or influences that might be important in your life. Notice I say might and I emphasize the word general. We all have free will, and such philosophies or ideas as numerology are not meant to determine your fate in this world, but to point out areas of your life on which you may need to improve or skills that might come naturally to you. I cannot emphasize enough nothing is a substitution to free will and to use numerology, astrology or anything else as a crutch or a guidance in your life is totally wrong. These theories are just alternative ways to help you explore your personality and psyche and I think sometimes they can be quite surprisingly accurate.
One question I have pondered is this. If there are only 12 or 13 numbers that can be analyzed, what happens when 500 million people plus could be sharing each life path? This figure is based on the world population of six billion people divided equally among the 365 dates not counting leap year. The answer to why 500 million people aren't running around behaving the same way? Well, I think the answer to this question is that while we added all of those numbers together to come up with a single number for our analysis, the component numbers I think are also minor influences on our life path.
For example, last week I used as an example the date March 11, 1964. While this totally reduced to 7, the month is a 3, the day is an 11 and the year is a 20 which reduces to a 2. While the major life path number is a 7 for this person which says they are analytical, focused and spiritual but could seem aloof and sarcastic toward others as they travel through life, the other numbers provide some influence as well. The year represented by a 2 is a major modifier to the life path because of the 365 day influence it has on the people born during that year. In this case, the two is the number of relationship and sensitivity and adds sensuality. When that is overlaid on the basic influence of the seven, it tends to mitigate the negative characteristics of aloofness and sarcasm, by adding an energy of balance and social aspects to the seven path.
The month is a second major influence and in this case is a three. Another positive balance on the seven that will provide influence on the relationships and communication skills this person exhibits further mitigating the perceived anti-social characteristics possible with the seven. In the same respect, the seven energies which is the major overall energy will also hold the intolerant aspect of the three energy in check.
Finally the last component of the birth date is the day. This is a 24 hour period which makes it the most minor of the three influences. In this case, the date is 11 which is a master number and it is a reinforcement to the seven energy which is spiritual and focused in nature. The dynamic nature of the eleven and its goal oriented, charismatic nature provides further influence on the person.
The negative aspect of the eleven is a stress caused by lack of focus. This is mitigated by the seven's energy and because the life path has a more major influence in the person's life it suggests that the integral ability for a seven to focus will cancel out this negative influence.
In conclusion, rather than just accepting the seven life path as it is we can refine the description of this person to reflect more subtleties from the components of the birth date. To summarize our life path is 7 and is modified from major to minor numbers by 2, 3 and 11. We can coalesce this into the following description. Each sentence is followed by a number in parenthesis which describes where the description is derived:
The person born on March 11, 1964 is probably a spiritually centered focused individual who will probably seek out knowledge where they can find it.(7) They will have moderate success with relationships but could tend to be the more introverted part of the couple.(2,7) They may be interested in music and could be expressive of that interest in a religious setting and if they work at it they could be quite talented in that endeavor. (2,3) This person may become a leader or work well in small groups but could tend to shy away from large groups. (3,7) If they explore the spiritual side of their life, they will probably have good success and happiness in that career path. (7,11)
As you can see the seven and the two influence much of the description with the three and eleven providing some moderate influence. According to numerologists, this is only one component of almost 30 or 40 calculations or analyses including dates, names and frequencies of letters that work together to comprise a character sketch of a person and when one takes that many calculations into account, it adds quite a bit of variation that really makes each person unique. If you performed last week's calculation, then try modifying it with this week's tips to see if your analysis becomes better or worse, and let me know how you make out at
Til next time …