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Published November 01. 2011 05:01PM

Early last month, during a forum in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden said the Wall Street protesters have "a lot in common with the tea party."

Whatever Biden had to drink prior before making that statement should be outlawed as a mind-altering drug.

At about the same time, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi made her own analysis, calling the Wall Street protest movement "young, spontaneous, and focused."

"God bless them for their spontaneity," the former House speaker told reporters.

Both of the party's biggest hitters were repeating a common refrain heard among other Democrats. Their observation is that the Occupy Wall Street movement is good for America, showing others throughout the world how our liberties - including the right to free speech - work.

Reports arrive daily, however, casting these protesters in a much different light. Behind the screen of simply taking shots at corporate America, these activists have an ideology and an agenda that is far out of the democratic mainstream.

Trying to compare these protests with the tea party assemblies is nonsense. With movements as large and widespread as the both the Wall Street and the tea party demonstrations, one can expect some bad behavior. Many in the main stream media seemed to enjoy blowing up the antics of some tea party fringe members in earlier rallies, but those incidents seemed isolated. In the massive tea party rallies we saw, crowds were well behaved and respectful of authority, even cleaning up their own litter.

That kind of conduct is a far cry from what we're seeing today. In an incident two weeks ago, a female Coast Guard officer who was walking to a train was spit on, called foul names and had a water bottle thrown at her by Occupy Boston protesters.

With capitalism as their supposed target, Wall Street protesters have been regularly engaged in outrageous behavior. One pollster, a Democrat by the way, found that a full 31 percent of the protesters were willing to commit violence in pursuit of their agenda, whatever that is.

The website has compiled a list of over 100 articles from around the country, reporting on wild behavior by the Wall Street protesters, including violence, vandalism, assaults, lewd conduct such as public defecation, threats and violence against police, and even rapes.

After interviewing nearly 200 protesters in New York's Zuccotti Park, another pollster used by a Wall Street Journal columnist, showed that the movement doesn't represent unemployed America and is not ideologically diverse. Rather, the majority believed in radical redistribution of wealth, civil disobedience and, in some instances, violence.

Half of those responders said they have participated in a political movement before, nearly all (98 percent) said they would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals, and nearly one-third (31 percent) said they would support violence to advance their agenda.

He also found that the vast majority of demonstrators are actually employed and that an overwhelming majority of demonstrators supported Barack Obama in 2008.

With that kind of class war endorsement, you don't have to be a political genius to understand why the likes of Biden and Pelosi have been so understanding of these protesters.

By Jim Zbick

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