Wendy Whiner harps again
Just call me Wendy Whiner. I hate to keep harping on the same old subjects but ...
Have I told you lately how much I hate winter? And snow, in particular?
Oh sure, Saturday's snowfall was absolutely beautiful! Picture perfect. If I had been Courier or Ives, I'd been painting up a storm.
We have friends who are still out of power.
I missed a baby shower.
And this Halloween costume party we were invited to, (and was really looking forward to,) was canceled. It's been rescheduled for tonight.
Harry and I worked on our costumes for two weeks.
I'm going as Annie Oakley because when I was a little girl I wanted to be a cowgirl.
He's going as a gunslinger and wanted to look like a desperado. He decided not to shave to help him achieve a scruffy look. It all works when he's dressed up in black, with his cap gun he had when he was a kid, stuck in a black leather holster. But come Sunday morning I'm going to lasso him up and drag him to a shave-out at the OK Corral Barber Shop.
But I digress.
Snow ... bah, humbug! And lucky us, it's just the beginning of five loooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg months of winter schmegma to come.
Dinosaurs-A diverse group of animals that roamed the earth over 100 million years ago and are now extinct. Open a book about dinosaurs, and you'll find a picture of my head on what looks like a Brontosaurus. That's me. Lindaosaurus.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoy the wonder of many aspects of technology. I love my dishwasher, hair dryer and I'd be the first to sing the praises of the karaoke machine.
It's the cell phones that give me hissy fits.
Our church had a hoagie sale. We're kind of new at this so we have a few bugs to work out. The order forms didn't ask for phone numbers. Some folks forgot about the pick-up date, due in part because of that much-too-early-snowstorm that knocked the power out, resulting in no church on Sunday so we couldn't remind everyone. We tried to get a hold of them to come pick them up.
Now don't get me wrong. I understand why people are doing away with their land line phones because if they have cell phones, why pay for two. But by eliminating land lines, they're no longer listed in a phone book. Which makes life harder for us Dinosaurs.
Cheryl and I had to play Sherlock Holmes as we searched for ways to find some phone numbers. One remained elusive. Her order was a large one and we didn't know what we were going to do with it. We finally found Norm, who had her cell phone number. Cheryl dialed it twice. No answer. The third time she left a message. The caller finally got back to Cheryl. When she came to pick up her order, she told me she didn't answer the calls because she didn't recognize the phone number.
Now see, that logic just bamboozles me.
Dinosaurs love when the phone rings. It's exciting because you never knew who's on the other end.
Remember party lines? You had to wait to see how many times it rang to determine whose call it was. As a kid, I'd be nosy and sometimes I picked up pretending it was a mistake just to see who was calling the other people on our party line. (But don't tell anyone.)
I was venting to Norm about the evils of cell phones. He couldn't understand this dinosaur's frustration. Then he started to sing the praises of texting. That one really is beyond me.
Why would I text someone, wait for an answer, text back, wait for an answer, text back ... when all I'd have to do is pick up the phone and have a conversation with the person and my questions are answered instantaneously. No waiting involved.
Norm looked at me like I was a dodo bird. Which, I might add, is also extinct.
I heard this one on the radio this morning. CDs may become extinct because people are getting their music by downloading it online.
According to a Macworld.com article by Kirk McElhearn, he agrees. "When I buy a CD, the first thing I do is slip it into my Mac Pro and rip it in iTunes. Now most of usthose of us here at Macworld, and most of you reading this articlebuy music by download ... I have a ton of other music purchased from iTunes, eMusic, and different record label or band Web sites ... So what is the future of CDs? When you have the choice of paying up to $19 (the list price) for the latest Springsteen album, and only $10 for the download, which will you choose?"
Where is that going to leave old dinosaurs like me, I wondered. I have never downloaded any music because I haven't got a clue about iTunes and I don't own a MP3 player, iPod or an iPhone.
iYi, Yi, Yi, Yi.
I received this email about all the changes we've seen in the last 100 years and the last lines sums it up pretty good.
"I am now going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself. From there, it will be sent to others all over the WORLD all in a matter of seconds! Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years. IT BOGGLES THE MIND!"
Well, it sure boggles this Wendy Whiner's mind.