Do you know the law?
Dear Editor:
As a person who in the past has repeatedly broken the law, I now understand what they are there for. SAFETY. The saftey of you and I and others.
When you obtain a Commenwealth of Penna. state driver's license, you sign a paper TO OBEY THE LAW. That doesn't mean you obey the law sometimes, when you are not in a hurry, or if you are late for an appointment, but ALWAYS!
This bring us to the topic of this story...crosswalks in town. These crosswalks are for everyone's protection, the pedestrian for safely crossing the street, and the driver who might have broken the law by hitting a pedestrian. By taking occasional walks around town which my doctor recommended for health reasons, I am appauled by the driving practices I see in our little town. Everyone's in a hurry! To do what I ask you? To get into an accident, to run a person over, to get a ticket?
I for one could not sleep at night if I was responsible for hurting someone. After talks with borough officials, I was pleased to see them get and utilize crosswalk signs at one of the most dangerous spots in town...Borough Hall and Turkey Hill and the Post Office where you put your life in danger trying to get across the street! I have recently still come close to being struck by people who do not obey these signs and yield to pedestrians. Observing and obeying these signs and yeilding to pedestrians is a STATE LAW which means when you signed your driver's license you agreed to OBEY. It didn't mean you were in a hurry so you didn't stop, don't care and obey the law, or worse yet stop in the middle of the street and yell at and/or threaten the person who's trying to cross the street.
The pedestrian has the right of way! It is up to the town in which these signs are placed as to the punishment but the fines can be much as a couple hundred dollars! Worse yet, you could hit someone or get into an accident. Is any of this worth not obeying the law? As for me...I don't think so! So if you don't know the law, take a look at and read your driver's manual so you or someone else doesn't get hurt! KNOW THE LAW!
Gary White