Win at all costs
Dear Editor:
In your coverage of the election results for country commissioner it state that Mr. Getz is quite upset - and sir I do not blame him.
Campaign literature in the name of Wayne Nothstein and Tom Gerhard was sent out to prospective voters in Carbon County. According to Mr. Getz these mailings raised falsehood in reference to Mr. William O'Gurek.
Both Mr. Nothstein and Mr. Gerhard agree that this literature contained lies about their opponent. They do not accept any responsibility. Their reason being it was sent out by the State Republican Party - and not the Local.
But they must take some responsibility since their names are on it IN BIG BOLD LETTERS!!
Why was this issue not raised during the campaign?
Is it because Mr. Nothstein and Mr. Gerhard have a win at all costs attitude? - or is a former commissioner actually calling the shots.
Richard Carrigan, Jim Thorpe