Summit Hill/Lansford News
Golden Agers
The Nov. 14 meeting of the Panther Valley Golden Agers began with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. An appropriate message for the season titled "Thanksgiving Grace" was read.
The Christmas Party will be held Dec. 3 starting at noon at St. Joseph's Hall, Summit Hill.
The meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 28 at 1 p.m.
Summit Hill
St. Paul Lutheran
The Rev. Richard Hinkle, a retired pastor from Weatherly, will lead the worship service at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, on Sunday, Dec. 4. He will deliver the sermon during the 10:30 a.m. service.
The church's Sunday school will meet at 9 a.m. Members are still collecting boxes of tissues that they will be delivering to the nursing home residents during their visit in December.
Borough council
The Summit Hill Borough Council will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 7 p.m. in the borough hall. Joseph Weber, president, will be in charge of the session, during which time council members will continue their work on preparation of the 2012 budget for the community.
AMVETS programs
The Lansford AMVETS Post and its affiliates are still collecting DVDs that will be sent to service men and women overseas. Persons desiring to donate the DVDs, which can be new or old, can drop them off in the slot inside the front door of the post home.
The post is also participating in the Toys for Tots program, by accepting gifts for children in need. The gifts should be wrapped and have information on them regarding the age and or sex of the child that the gift is best suited for.
The gifts can be dropped off at the box located at the post home.
Anyone wishing to make monetary contributions to the program can do so by depositing it in a donation box the AMVETS has at the post.
The deadline for monetary contributions and gifts is Dec. 10.
The post is also participating in the Trees for Troops program whereby Christmas trees will be shipped by Yenser's Tree Farm, Lehighton, to service men and women overseas. Anyone willing to make a donation toward the tree purchase can do so by putting it in the donation box located at the post.
St. John Lutheran
The St. John Lutheran Church, Lansford, will not hold it's Wednesday night informal worship service due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Tree lighting
C.H.O.S.E. will be hosting the annual tree lighting at the borough building in Coaldale on Sunday, Nov. 27, at 5 p.m. There will be free cookies, hot chocolate and coffee for all. Children will receive a small gift from Santa.