Tamaqua news
Spirit of Christmas
Tamaqua's Annual Spirit of Christmas Festival will be held this weekend at a variety of venues in the downtown area.
Festivities will begin with a candlelit walking tour of the historic district. Participants will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, at the Tamaqua Historical Society Museum, 116 W. Broad St. Reservations are not required.
Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive in town on Friday. The Santa Parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. Santa and Mrs. Claus, the Little Miss Spirit of Christmas winner and Frosty will make their way to Depot Square Park and flip the switch to illuminate the park for the first time this season. They will then make their way to the Tamaqua Chamber of Commerce Office, 114 W. Broad St., where Santa will visit with the local children.
Saturday events will include Breakfast With Santa at 9 a.m., at the Salvation Army Community Center, 105 W. Broad St.; Victorian House Tours, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., leaving from the Chamber of Commerce Office; and a student dance, from 7-9 p.m., at the Salvation Army.
Sunday's schedule includes a craft/vendor fair, 1-4 p.m., and a variety of musical entertainment, all at the Salvation Army
The festival will conclude on Sunday with the lighting of the Community Christmas Tree at 6 p.m.
For more information, on any of the events, call (570) 668-1880.
ESRC basketball
The Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission will conduct a Biddy Basketball Program for students in third through sixth grade. There will be two separate divisions, third/fourth grade and fifth/sixth grade. The program is scheduled to begin the second week in December and continue through February.
The co-ed league is designed to help children develop and sharpen their basketball skills, increasing their interest in the game. Games and practices will be held twice a week, one practice session and one game. Volunteer coaches and referees are needed.
For more information, or to sign up or volunteer, contact Jason Boris at (570) 668-2919.
Deadline for registration will be Dec. 2.