Innovative thinking needed in USPS
Dear Editor:
I am writing about your story on the Post Office. While I agree with some of your ideas for saving the post office, let's not forget why the Post Office is failing; Technology.
Email and online bill pay, combined with the ability to send an e-card or print a bank or credit card statement from home are simply more convenient. Using technology also saves loads of money.
Have you noticed how we get fewer and fewer pieces of junk mail from the post office? When advertisers abandon direct mail, this also puts a dent in the Post Office bank account.
Your story should have reflected these disadvantages the post office faces. While letting go of jobs is always painful, keeping them and providing benefits is very expensive and would cause prices to skyrocket. The post office should focus on fixing their shipping business to better compete with UPS & FedEx.
Another option of course is to privatize the post office, like we see in the UK and throughout Europe. You walk in to a Boots Pharmacy or WHSmith and there is floor space reserved to serve as a post office and it is always busy with customers. It saves the Royal Mail a lot of money because the overhead expenses are shared with the retailer.
Thank you for the story. I was a bit sad as I read it, but things can be changed with a little bit of quiet innovative thinking.
Kenny Seaboldt
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.