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Spring can't come soon enough

Published March 05. 2011 09:00AM

It is hard to believe it is March already. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Christmas and now it's time to look forward to spring. Winter was challenging like most years but overall not so bad until last month when Jack Frost opted to bless us with ice instead of snow, a far more hazardous winter selection especially for the majority of us who have to travel somewhere to work.

With the world in the state that it is in, spring cannot make the scene fast enough. Gas prices soaring due to the global unrest is making things difficult here for us. It is a shame and to me it seems needless that we need to deal with this particular problem considering it seems to be common knowledge there is more than enough oil in this country to make it a non-issue. Lately, it seems like we have fallen into a collective rabbit hole and ended up at the Mad Hatter's tea party, and everyone who has any power would rather squabble and maintain the status quo instead of doing something. It's like everyone wants to ride on a cruise but they spend so long arguing about who is going first that the ship sails and leaves everyone behind.

Spring is also the time for new things, fresh ideas and adventure. It's the time for young love and renewal. Buds are starting to appear on the trees reminding us the cold, detached world of the winter is once again going to recede allowing the warmth and life of spring to once again grow in our hearts. Of course with spring also comes Daylight Savings Time and once again we forfeit that precious hour of sleep until fall as the clocks spring ahead one hour. The downside is it will be dark for awhile in the morning, but the upside is evening lasts longer. I suppose that trade off is worthwhile since the past few weeks have been quite difficult driving during rush hour with the sun being at that annoying angle that blinds us as we travel the highways and byways.

Yard sale and garage sale season also begins with the warmth of the spring sunshine. Pretty soon those signs will appear as well dotting the communities with chances to rescue treasures soon to be unwanted by their present owners. Some places do not wait until spring. The Summit Hill Heritage Center has been holding flea markets throughout the winter with their most recent one actually being this morning.

Flea markets and yard sales can be quite interesting places to visit. Much of the items one finds there are windows to the past, and many times unknown treasures have blessed those fortunate to recognize their true value. I can remember our church when I was a teen would hold an annual bazaar and at that time there were many items beyond hand crafts and Christmas ornaments. Board games, toys, records (remember those) and books and other items filled the basement of the church. Most of it was unwanted items from the parishioners, but one person was really lucky.

Hidden among the records was a collection of original Beatles records over 15 years old at the time of the sale. No one realized they were there until one astute collector pored over the entire display and skillfully extracted them from the pile, paid the pittance being asked and left. When the person watching them related this to one of the adults, it was at that point they realized they unknowingly undersold some valuable pieces. But that is the key of the flea market or auction, one person's trash becomes another one's treasure.

Unfortunately, I really have not been that lucky at most sales. One hears all the time about others finding leaded crystal, imported pottery or in one case a portrait with the Declaration of Independence. I should be so lucky. Last summer I happened upon a playhouse for Kathryn that was only $25, but that was probably the best treasure I ever found. Most of the time, I find hundreds of romance novels, salad spinners (remember those), seventies' style decorations and old magazines or games like Candyland, Checkers and Battleship. Not exactly the treasure of kings.

It would be cool once to find an ancient tome, or valuable antiques or a document hidden inside of an item, but many times when I purchase a gadget I sometimes long for just having a set of directions. I have friends who swear by yard sales. In contrast I usually swear at them simply because they tend to liberate more money from my wallet than I intend.

Even though such luck is quite rare, it's just one other example of what is good about spring. Whether you enjoy yard sales or gardening, walks in the warm sunshine or the buds opening on the trees or even just more evening sun, welcome to spring and enjoy. It will be around for a few more months so you have plenty of time.

Til next time….

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