A plan for "Gasless Wednesdays"
Dear Editor:
On March 5, I called into WLSH's Air Your Opinion Show. My call was about the sky rocketing gas prices. I suggested that like the people in the middle east who had used the social networks and the Internet to bring down the repressive governments, we Americans should use the same tactics to bring down the repressive gas prices. I suggested that everyone go to their Space Book page or the Internet to call for "Gasless Wednesdays'" to perhaps bring down gas prices. I mentioned that the last time gas prices were out of control and people couldn't afford to buy gas the prices came down somewhat.
The host of WLSH's show replied that if there were "Gasless Wednesdays" how would the doctors get to the hospitals or people get to work. He also said that the only ones that the "Gasless Wednesdays" would be hurting would be the small gas station owners, who are getting little profit from gas sales and are trying to keep prices as low as possible.
If I may use your paper to respond to and clarify my plan. First the owners of most small gas stations also operate mini-marts and if their profits are so little from gas they should not feel any or little loss from gas sales for one day a week, but the combination of loss of sales of gas from millions of small stations across the nation would send a strong message to the gas producers and distributors. Also as far as the people that had to get to work, like the doctors and nurses why couldn't they keep enough gas in their cars to cover one day of not buying gas. Most people are smart enough to get what gas they need for one day to meet their needs. Does anyone think that it couldn't buy gas on Tuesday to get by. Oh, what about replenishing what they need on Thursday. The host of the radio show said if everyone just bought one less gallon of gas a day they could save seven gallons of gas a week. How would that send a message to the producers or distributors? Also when I buy gas I don't buy it by the gallon, I buy it by the dollars I have to spend.
By the way, here are some facts about how the problems in the Middle East are effecting the gas prices. First, Libya only produces about two percent of the world's oil and most of it is exported to Europe or China. Their largest exporting port has been shut down and abandoned. Most of the skilled and technical workers there were from other countries and a large number of them were Americans.
So here is my plan for "Gasless Wednesdays". If everyone went to their own Face Book page, the Internet, or whatever social net they use and call for a "Gasless Wednesdays" it might send a message to the producers and distributors that we are, "Mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore!"
I am not suggesting an outright boycott of your local gas stations, they are just trying to survive in this economy, just want to get a message out!
Henry O. Malmquist