Planned Parenthood column misleading
Dear Editor,
The column on Planned Parenthood published on March 23, 2011 by Star Parker was so misleading that I feel compelled to respond to this article.
Planned Parenthood is one of America's most trusted health care organizations. They provide a wide range of safe, reliable health care of which more than 90 percent is preventive primary care which helps PREVENT unintended pregnancies through the use of contraception. Miss Parker's article wrongly implies that providing abortion services is the primary function of this organization. When in fact their primary function is to provide basic health care services which includes pelvic exams, pap smears, screenings for cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer screenings, female infertility counseling, menopause counseling, STD testing, and education to reduce the spread of sexual transmitted diseases.
Planned Parenthood promotes a commonsense approach to women's health and well being. They deliver comprehensive and medically accurate information that empower women, men, teens and families to make informed choices and lead healthy lives.
Needless to say, these are services that millions of women and families that are below and at the poverty level are provided at no or low cost and are desperately needed.
However, it seems that Miss Parker is applying political and ideological theories and values to her argument for defunding this organization. Her pro-life position is acknowledged but not however over the rights of a woman to have a CHOICE…Choice is the RIGHT to have an option…which if I'm not mistaken has been declared by the Supreme Court in Roe v Wade as a constitutional right of women.
Why is it that the conservative right have strong beliefs of "small stay out of our lives government" EXCEPT when it comes to pro life issues? Why is it that it's OK for the government to invade the most private intimate decision a woman might make in her entire life? Are they implying that they know what is best for her? I think not.
Defunding of this most valuable organization would be an atrocity against our most vulnerable citizens.
I would whole hardily urge all to STAND WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD.
Janet Anderson
New Ringgold, Pa.