Welfare people suffer
Dear Editor:
My parents starved during the Great Depression. There was no welfare back then. No Americans are starving today. Things have improved.
Nobody will hire the disabled people who suffer in poverty on welfare. Animals are treated better than welfare victims. Nobody helps them.
The welfare people are really poor. It is just one step above homelessness. The welfare people don't want to be on welfare. They don't give them enough money. They give them benefits, not money. The welfare victims are powerless and voiceless. There aren't any lawyers for them.
Sometimes people with college degrees end up on welfare. I read about a man with an MBA who couldn't get a job for five years! He used to be an executive! There just aren't any jobs for the people. The young people of Panther Valley went to college and moved to find work. There are only a few jobs here. The jobs are usually part time.
Noelle Gorka,