Fuel costs
Many motorists got a shock yesterday at the gas pumps. At some locations, the price of gasoline was over $3.70 per gallon.
In Summit Hill, it was $3.69 per gallon but a 5-cent per gallon user fee is charged for using a bank card.
There are all types of theories regarding how high gas prices will be this summer. Some predictions are $5 by Labor Day. Others say $4 by Memorial Day.
Just traveling to work people are spending a lot more for gas than they did a year ago.
As the price of gasoline rises, so do other prices. After all, it costs more to transport food and other products to the various stores.
Not only is the price of gasoline getting obscene, so is the price of heating oil.
It's bad enough for families to pay to heat their homes, just imagine what it now costs to heat a large building such as a supermarket or warehouse. Again, it all means additional costs when you go shopping.
Actually, it means more than that. It means some employers won't be able to afford heating their buildings, resulting in more job losses.
Where's this all going? How much can the average person endure? What can be done to curtail such incredibly high gasoline and fuel oil prices?
Is there price gouging occurring as a result of the Middle East turmoil? Is our government doing all it can to prevent additional abhorring price increases?
Our lawmakers should be addressing the fuel situation. They should be letting the American public know what is happening with gas and fuel oil prices.
Federal officials should also be talking to Americans about how they are handling the crisis. Do they have any solutions to putting a brake on the increases? Is there adequate fuel for our nation's security?
Back in the 70s, turmoil in the Middle East was handled with gas rationing because of shortages. Will this be an occurrence down the line if the tinder boxes of the Middle East continue to ignite?
We're helping Libya rebels with their problems. We're helping the Afghan people fight the Taliban. We're in so many areas of the globe being helpful, but are our government officials doing anything to help the people they directly represent?
Before prices get much higher and before rationing would occur, our government leaders owe us an explanation and answers.
By Ron Gower