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A big scoop for the wife

Published May 07. 2011 09:00AM

I'm the editor, but it's the editor's wife who got the scoop on bin Laden being killed by Navy Seals.

Because of my early morning start up time here at the TIMES NEWS, I go to bed at night long before the 10:30 p.m. reporting that American forces had gotten the world's number one public enemy.

Not only didn't I know that Americans got him and then dumped his body in the ocean, I had no clue that America was already rejoicing his demise.

I didn't even have the car radio on during my commute to work, so I was oblivious to the ongoing story that might be the biggest in the past decade.

Thank goodness I called my wife after I got to work, and Mary asked me in an excited tone if I had heard the news. I hadn't so, with egg on my face, my wife told me all she had heard about the breaking news. I was scooped by my better half. So much for staying on top of a story.

May 1st, already known as May Day and Law Day will now be remembered as "Got bin Laden Day". It should be a holiday.

It's some kind of irony that bin Laden and Adolph Hitler were both declared dead on May 1.

No matter how graphic they are, the American people have a right to see the pictures of bin Laden after he was shot and his being buried at sea. This will help silence many of the conspiracy theories that already exist.

"A son is a son 'til he takes him a wife. A daughter is a daughter all of her life."

Not sure who first said that, but it seems to be true.

A national poll recently found that 70 percent of mothers with both a son and daughter would overwhelmingly choose to move in with their daughter over their son if they could not take care of themselves. Sixty eight percent say that, as they age, daughters will take better care of them than sons will. And 65 percent of mothers say their daughters, over their sons, would most likely want them to move in.

No surprise here!

An overwhelming 94 percent of both mothers and fathers say they would rather live in their own home as they age instead of moving in with any of their children, or to a nursing home or assisted living facility. No surprise there either.

I mentioned these two items because I thought they would make interesting topics of conversation this Mothers' Day weekend.

The reporting that a neighbor allegedly burglarized Lehighton Fire Chief Jack Kuller Jr.'s house only days after he died is a dispicable act. You don't get much lower.

Maybe not this weekend, but by next weekend, I expect gas prices to be over $4 a gallon.

Tired of all the rain this spring? Here's something else to be concerned about. The wet spring could make this a bad year for West Nile Virus, experts say. Just what we need.

Television's favorite jurist, Judge Judy, recently signed a contract to stay on the air until 2015. Reading that news reminded me of an encounter my wife and I had with a waiter in an Irish Pub when we were visiting the Emerald Isle 10 years ago. When I mentioned to him how surprised I was that Judy was seen on Irish television, he looked me square in the eye and remarked, "Judge Judy? She's 'bleepin' mad."

Reading about, and watching him on television this week, I couldn't help but reflect on the one time I met the former Navy SEAL Richard Marcinko, who hails from Lansford, and who originated the Seal Team Six, the team that caught and killed Osama bin Laden earlier this week.

It was nearly 20 years ago. Marcinko had just written his best selling book, "Rogue Warrior" and had become an overnight sensation on the talk show circuit. I had written stories and columns about his book and his heroic exploits. So, when he decided to come back to Lansford for a visit with family relatives, he invited my wife, Mary and I to have dinner with him and his local family. We met at the Palace Restaurant in Lansford, and Marcinko came off exactly as I expected him after reading his book. He was definitely a tough, no nonsense kind of guy.

But he also had a warm spot, as evidenced in what he wrote inside the jacket of my copy of his book.

"To Mary and Bob: Best wishes and thanks for the kind words and friendship. You're part of the family. Good luck to all of you."

It's always nice to be on the good side of a real warrior, rogue or otherwise.

Finally, to my two favorite mothers, my wife and my daughter-in-law, here's hoping your special day tomorrow turns out to be just that - special.

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