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Local elections are most important

Published May 21. 2011 09:01AM

This past week was another primary election and while it rained on some people's aspirations the sun shone for others through the raindrops. Congratulations to all the primary winners and for those that are still contesting seats, good luck in the fall. While most people believe the Presidential or gubernatorial elections, the elections that select our local officials are the most important of all in my opinion.

For that reason it is disheartening when one learns how few people actually vote. The minority of this country in many cases decides who governs this country while the majority ignore their responsibility. To those that voted, thank you for participating in the process. For those that couldn't be bothered, it is a shame because of you lived in a full tyranny you would probably be the first ones to complain about being powerless.

We might believe this is a modern problem, but it really is not. This country's history is full of minority segments of the population deciding what they think is best for it or causing change. It only takes 17 people to rob us of several freedoms as this country traded liberty for security two hundred plus years later in the form of the ironic "Patriot Act" which placed a thumb on us. It only take a few atheists to undo a few hundred years of prayer in schools and the removal of God from vestiges of public life as we have discussed several times. Less than half of the voters in this country routinely decide who should be in power.

The founding of this country was even decided by fifty-six brave patriots who stood up to King George and told him this country would not be the source of his wealth anymore and he would not abuse the colonists. The majority of this country did not want this to happen, but it did and it resulted in the birth of the United States of America. These signers did this at a great risk to themselves, but they took a chance. Considering our country has grown from 2.5 million people to 300 million people, one wonders whether the proportional number of signers today, 6720 people exists today if tyranny completes its stranglehold on this country.

Speaking of majorities, I heard a guest on a radio show this week discussing the Federal budget. He took the Constitution and itemized the powers of Congress and the government. Next he looked at the agencies and cabinet positions in our government today and put them in one of two columns, "Covered by the Constitution" and "Outside the Constitution".

Would you be surprised to learn that the majority of the Federal government, 56 percent of it in fact, falls outside the realm of the Constitutional powers it is supposed to follow. Could you imagine what our lives would be like with only having to pay 44% of our taxes and obligations? We have been conditioned to be dependent on the government to handle our needs, healthcare, pensions and such for so many years that we are terrified of that going away. We are scared of the country's central structure changing to what it was meant to be and that fear is used to paralyze us into sticking with the status quo even though it is heading for disaster rather quickly.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Perhaps it is time the people of the United States face their greatest fear losing our collective security blanket and seriously ask "What if?"

What if we reinvent ourselves? What if we reboot and start over? What if we level the playing field and remove the extraneous laws and agencies and begin again? What if we return to the people all the money they paid for Social Security which is neither social nor secure? What if we return to basics and remove two hundred years of bureaucracy? What if we rewrite the rules so our leaders serve us again and not business or lobbyists?

Before you believe such a cataclysm would be all doom and gloom, I think done properly it would be a saving grace for this nation. Perhaps the sun would shine on this country once again. I can tell you one thing. Each and every one of us would be a lot closer to the dream of our forefathers. One can only hope someday a brave enough group of souls will redeem us. It only takes a minority of the people to make a change, negative or positive.

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