Chestnuthill column
Three consecrated
Effort UMC 's Pastor Robin Fisher consecrated three adult volunteers this past Sunday.
Karen D'arcy was consecrated as the new food pantry director at the church, replacing Mark Baylis. She has volunteered at the pantry since its inception, about 10 years ago.
Joining her in administrative leadership, also from the ranks of volunteers, is Anne Marie Klemm as assistant director. Klemm has about four years experience, says D'arcy
The third volunteer, Deborah Audett, will serve as Vacation Bible School director.
Audett has been involved in teaching the children for some time, often serving as leader for the youth who are a bit young to sit through a worship service with the adults.
Vacation Bible School is upcoming.
Good speller
Steven Sagala of Effort was the winner of the Sixth Annual Senior Spelling Bee sponsored by the Monroe County Area Agency on Aging, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program and the Eastern Monroe Public Library.
He won a $100 first place prize.
Spelling well is evidently a family happening as his two sons were in the Monroe County Spelling Bee representing Pleasant Valley High School several times.
PV School Board
The next meeting of the Pleasant Valley School District Board of Education is at 8 p.m., Thursday, June 9, in the District Office in Brodheadsville.
Amputee Support
An Amputee Support Group will meet from 2 to 3 p.m., Saturday, June 10, in The Stroud Conference Room at the Pocono Medical Center.
For more information one can call (570)588-3027.
Composting classes
The Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority (the Waste Authority) in conjunction with Penn State Extension is holding composting classes throughout the summer on the second Saturday of each month, beginning June 11 through September 10.
A certified Penn State Extension Master Gardener will be at the Waste Authority site to speak about residential composting. The classes will start at 9 a.m. and last approximately 1 hours.
In order to participate in this free program, one must register with the Waste Authority. All classes will be held at the facility in Blakeslee. Anyone interested in registering for classes is asked to call (570) 643-6100. Classes are limited to 20 people, so early registration is recommended For more information visit the Waste Authority web site at .
Lunch available
Our Lady Queen of Peace offers Community Sunday Take Out Lunch for those in need on Sunday, June 12. It is a bag lunch and one must call the church office for reservation.
Pick up is between 3 and 4 p.m.
Knit & Crochet
Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville has a Knit & Crochet group. That group will meet from 1 to 3 p.m., Tuesday, June 14.
Fall Prevention
Healthy Steps Fall Prevention will be the program presented at the Chestnuthill Senior Center, meeting at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville on June15. That presentation will begin at 10 o'clock.
It is free and open to the public.
Lions host event
The Western Pocono Lions Club will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, June 15, at Ye Olde Saylors Inne in Saylorsburg. This is a couples night for those who are so inclined. Social time begins at 6:30 p.m. with the dinner meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Guests for the evening will be the Pleasant Valley teenagers who attended the Lions Youth Leadership Weekend at Camp Victory, and members of the Western Pocono Lioness.
A highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the Lion of the Year recognition. Also, the officers for the 2011-2012 year will be installed by District Governor Bob Kelsey. For additional information one can contact Lion Bob at (570)629-5718.
Garden of Giving
Additional board members were approved for the Garden of Giving. Beginning their service tenure for the Garden are: Steve Rhoads, McMichaels; Deanna Nole, Stroudsburg; Susan Bonser, Saylorsburg; and Robin Miller.
Tammy Graber was elected president. It is she who was inspired to begin the Garden in McMichaels and serves as its director.
In her annual report, the Garden served four food banks and two soup kitchens in 2010, donating some 7,000 pounds of produce and impacting 1,000 families comprised of 5,000 individuals.
For 2011, the garden area has been expanded and so has the intent of whom the Garden is serving with more produce, hoping to reach the 10,000 pound harvest.