Support incumbent school board members
I am supporting the six Lehighton Area School Board incumbents (Gloria Bowman, Stacey Durst, Duane Eidem, Stephen Holland, Larry Stern and David Krause) who have moved the district forward, including increased educational opportunities and improved facilities. This has all been accomplished without tax increases for the past three years:
• Retaining a fiscally stable fund balance
• New and more functional athletic facility
• Renovations to the middle school and high school
• New elementary center which will provide a consolidated savings versus four buildings to maintain, as well as equal educational opportunities for students
• No tax increase for the past three years. While many surrounding districts continue to increase taxes, Lehighton has been successful in making many improvements and providing progressive educational opportunities without increasing taxes.
I respectfully ask you to consider supporting these candidates to continue the initiatives that have been started. Lehighton Area School District has become a fountain of opportunities for its students and staff.
Let's promote this good work by electing the above-mentioned incumbent candidates.
Bruce Hawk