Franklin Township White wins PVLL 9-10 title
The Franklin Township White All-Stars won the championship of the Panther Valley Little League 9-10 year-old Tournament with a perfect 6-0 record. Team members include, front row, from left, Brandon Schnell, Zach Wentz, Frank Bokan, Jack Schaeffer, Dalton Berger and Logan Wentz (bat-boy). Second row, Devin Oswald, Nolan Wentz, Gabe Wagner, Daniel Keer, Collin Haupt and John Herman. Back row, coaches Tim Wagner, Craig Haupt, Frank Bokan and Ryan Wentz. The team trophy was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Turrano, the individual trophies by Dr. Peter Baddick and the medals by Delrose Awards, Lansford.