Once needy, she now gives thanks
Dear Editor:
I volunteer at the food bank in Palmerton and a few weeks ago when there was a break in clients a woman came in and asked us all to come into the main room. I did recognize her as someone who did frequent the food bank.
She started out by thanking us for all the help we had given her and her family the last two years. Her husband had been hurt at his job and was unable to work. Times had been very hard for them and she said if it had not been for what she received at the food bank, she and her family might not have had food more than one time. She said by the grace of God things had finally gotten straightened out for them and she presented the food bank with a sizable check.
She wanted us to continue helping others just as we had been helping her and her family.
We see many needy families every month. Some more appreciative than others, but still needy. In a world where events tend to make you wonder about your faith in the human race, little things like this help to restore some of the faith. I wish that family well and all the families who we see each month the same.
Connie Smale