Ethics, regulation and conflict
Dear Editor:
I attended the General Purpose Meeting of the Jim Thorpe Borough Council Wednesday, March 13. 2010. Kim Mazur of En-tech Engineering, Reading, Pa. was in attendance to address questions received from community members present about the in-home projectory backflow valve and meter replacement project. Most residents present were not in favor of the project. My opinion here is to offer information on the process of law in support of law so community residents remain protected and safe.
Ethics addresses questions and morality aimed at matters of justice, science, social conduct, the environment and the economy. All information obtained is used to connect ethical concept to real-life situations. This association becomes valuable for the development of public policy and policy regulations. Law written under justice provides protection to and promotes the welfare of the people it serves.
Regulations written under justice, are done so in a clear language as arranged enactments aimed at regulating society for it's own protection and safety. Not an easy accomplishment for any government to perform. The difficulty occurs because written law requires codification of ethical principals as a mirror to reflect societies experiences and needs. Written law, taken in this way, is then a reflection of societal life. As time changes so law much change in keeping with time.
Regulations is a matter of compliance. Government regulations often poses conflict between individual freedom and societal safety., which is nothing new. References for disagreement go back in time to the beginning of times recorded history. This has been an aspect of government for as long as governments have existed.
No complete law existed prior to the 20th century. Existing laws enacted during the 20th century consisted of The Biological Act of 1902, The Food and Drug Act of 1902, The Meat Inspection Act of 1902, and the Insecticide Act of 1902. The government learned every aspect of public life. By denying products to people these laws allowed government to oversee what could be used or could not be used.
Between 1970 and 1976 both The Occupational Safety and Health Act and The Environmental Protection Agency were created. This posed more Federal regulatory activity during these years than occurred during prior regulation existence. All these laws have surfaced from a sense of societal ethic. These laws all have come to being from a sense of combined social morality which more often than not underlie in basis more conflict with each other than not.
Moral imperatives for government regulations as they exist today are:
1. Protection of the public from harm, 2. Freedom of choice, 3. Public participation, 4. Consistent rules and 5. Risk Factor. These imperatives have become so controversial so as to question their efficiency.
Concluded is the concept of justice within the code is so ridged. It seemingly reflects absolute justice without mercy. However the regulatory process must be managed on it's own terms and must be understood as a standard of justice unless proven otherwise. As such I am in support of the codes.
Thank you
Kathleen Jones,
Jim Thorpe