Panther Valley news
Golden Agers
The next meeting of the Panther Valley Golden Agers will be an indoor picnic on Monday, Aug. 23 at St. Joseph's Church. All who made reservations are welcome to the event.
Zion Lutheran Church
Morning worship begins at 9 a.m. Sunday, the Rev. John Hazel is pastor, (570) 645-3469. Visitors are always welcome.
Book bags of all children returning to school will be blessed during morning worship on Sunday, Aug. 29. All children and grandchildren of the parish and community are welcome to bring their book bags to be blessed.
World Hunger boxes will be distributed on Sunday, Sept. 5, Labor of Love Sunday. The boxes will be collected on Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 21.
Coffee hour will not be held in August. The next coffee hour is scheduled for Sept. 19. If you would like to sponsor a coffee hour, please contact Fran Watto, (570) 669-9257.
Summit Hill
SHCIO plans
The Summit Hill Community Improvement Organization has changed the date of its monthly meeting due to the upcoming Labor Day holiday.
The group will meet on Monday, Aug. 30, at 7 p.m. in the borough building. Persons interested in improving the community are encouraged to attend and present new ideas to the organization.
Free magic show
A free magic show entitled "It's Magic With Magician Joe Keppel" - "Explore the World and Read," will be held on Saturday, Aug. 21, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Summit Hill Heritage Center, Chestnut and Hazard streets.
In addition to the show, hot dogs, drinks and treats will be given to the children.
For free tickets, e-mail or call (570) 645-9133 or 645-9160.
The event is sponsored by Mile and Ike's and Zours (Just Born Candy), the TIMES NEWS, Boyer's Food Markets and the First National Bank of Palmerton.
OLOA schedule
Our Lady of the Angels Academy, Lansford, has announced important dates associated with the opening of the 2010-2011 school year.
On Wednesday, Aug. 25, a "Teacher Organization Day" will be held, followed the next day (Aug. 26) by a faculty retreat.
Students will report for the opening of the school year on Monday, Aug. 30.
St. Ann Society
The Frances C. Jakabcin District of the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Auxiliary will hold its fall meeting on Sunday, Sept. 19.
The event will be hosted by the Hazleton branches 45 and 105 and will be held in the Lobitz Catering Hall, Rt. 940, Hazleton, beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Members of the St. Ann Society of St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford, and other local branch members who are planning to attend should call President Veronica Bazik, (570) 645-5253, to make reservations. The deadline is Friday, Sept. 3.
Parenting class
The Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Allentown will sponsor a free parenting class on Friday, Aug. 20, from 11 a.m. to noon in the social hall of St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford.
The class is open to anyone parenting an infant or toddler. Moms, dads and grandparents are encouraged to attend.
For more information, call Mary at (570) 645-2282 or 1-800-458-5505.